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Thursday, September 26, 2013

21 countries asked to disclose surveillance

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Tech group asks 21 countries to disclose surveillance requests

09.19.2013 1:52 PM

Countries that have pledged to support Internet freedom should allow technology vendors to report the number of electronic surveillance requests they receive, a tech advocacy group said Thursday.

Al Franken questions Apple on Touch ID fingerprint sensor

09.20.2013 11:40 AM

The humorist-turned-politician sent an open letter to Apple CEO Tim Cook with a dozen questions on the privacy implications of Touch ID.


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IE exploit covers all recent versions, hits most businesses

09.21.2013 8:18 AM

Microsoft alert says all supported versions of Internet Explorer contain a zero day vulnerability that is being actively targeted online, and 70 percent of Windows business users are impacted

Building a better password: Simple changes add strength

09.21.2013 9:09 AM

We still take the easy route far too often, but even some simple changes can strengthen password selections.

Symantec identifes 'Hidden Lynx' as hackers co-op

09.21.2013 12:23 PM

Security experts at Symantec say a single Chinese hacking group called "Hidden Lynx" is involved in a recent series of high-profile cyberattacks on U.S. interests.

NSA seeks tighter ties to tech despite issues of data-sharing

09.22.2013 9:50 AM

The National Security Agency's director of information assurance said the route to "confidence in cyberspace" is to increase collaboration between the government and the high-tech industry.

Schools' use of cloud services puts student privacy at risk

09.23.2013 6:15 AM is calling for strict controls on the use of commercial cloud services for email and documents in education, contending that those services compromise student privacy.

Old tricks help German hackers bypass iPhone 5s Touch ID security

09.23.2013 6:16 AM

Apple's Touch ID authentication system can be defeated using a well-honed technique for creating a latex copy of someone's fingerprint, according to a German hacking group.

Apache Struts security update disables vulnerable feature

09.23.2013 6:45 AM

A new version of the Apache Struts development framework released Friday disables a mechanism called the Dynamic Method Invocation that's a known source of possible security vulnerabilities.

Apple's a tasty phishing target for scammers

09.24.2013 5:47 AM

Spam volumes took a usual seasonal drop in August, but phishing spiked, including a noticeable interest in hijacking Apple accounts.

How to use the new Android remote lock option

09.24.2013 7:48 AM

The final brick in the Android Device Manager wall is set with the arrival of remote password resets.

Dropbox pushes to publish spy data request details

09.24.2013 8:00 AM

Cloud storage locker Dropbox has joined Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, LinkedIn and Facebook in their quest for permission to publish the number of data requests they have received from the U.S. government, and the number of users affected by those requests.

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