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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Energy-Daily Express - Sep 25, 2013

US Navy History of Human Spaceflight Conference

24/7 Energy News Coverage
September 25, 2013
Fusion, anyone?
Washington DC (SPX) Sep 25, 2013 - The dream of igniting a self-sustained fusion reaction with high yields of energy, a feat likened to creating a miniature star on Earth, is getting closer to becoming reality, according the authors of a new review article in the journal Physics of Plasmas. Researchers at the National Ignition Facility (NIF) engaged in a collaborative project led by the Department of Energy's Lawrence Liver ... more

Promising new alloy for resistive switching memory
Washington DC (SPX) Sep 25, 2013 - Memory based on electrically-induced "resistive switching" effects have generated a great deal of interest among engineers searching for faster and smaller devices because resistive switching would allow for a higher memory density. Researchers have tested a number of oxide materials for their promise in resistive switching memories, and now a team of researchers in Singapore have demonstr ... more

First look at complete sorghum genome may usher in new uses for food and fuel
Urbana IL (SPX) Sep 25, 2013 - Although sorghum lines underwent adaptation to be grown in temperate climates decades ago, a University of Illinois researcher said he and his team have completed the first comprehensive genomic analysis of the molecular changes behind that adaptation. Patrick Brown, an assistant professor in plant breeding and genetics, said having a complete characterization of the locations (loci) affec ... more

Counting on neodymium
Julich, Germany (SPX) Sep 25, 2013 - Magnetic molecules are regarded as promising functional units for the future of information processing. An interdisciplinary team of researchers from Julich and Aachen were the first to produce particularly robust magnetic molecules that enable a direct electrical readout of magnetic information. This was made possible by selecting the rare earth metal neodymium as the central building blo ... more

UCLA engineers develop a stretchable, foldable transparent electronic display
Los Angeles CA (SPX) Sep 25, 2013 - Imagine an electronic display nearly as clear as a window, or a curtain that illuminates a room, or a smartphone screen that doubles in size, stretching like rubber. Now imagine all of these being made from the same material. Researchers from UCLA's Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science have developed a transparent, elastic organic light-emitting device, or OLED, that cou ... more

Subsystems for CubeSats, SmallSats and MicroSats

Stanford scientists publish theory, formula to improve 'plastic' semiconductors
Stanford CA (SPX) Sep 25, 2013 - Anyone who's stuffed a smart phone in their back pocket would appreciate the convenience of electronic devices that could bend. Flexible electronics could spawn new products: clothing wired to cool or heat, reading tablets that could fold like newspaper, and so on. Alas, electronic components such as chips, displays and wires are generally made from metals and inorganic semiconductors - m ... more

UCSB researchers make headway in quantum information transfer via nanomechanical coupling
Santa Barbara CA (SPX) Sep 25, 2013 - Fiber optics has made communication faster than ever, but the next step involves a quantum leap - literally. In order to improve the security of the transfer of information, scientists are working on how to translate electrical quantum states to optical quantum states in a way that would enable ultrafast, quantum-encrypted communications. A UC Santa Barbara research team has demonstrated ... more

NREL Calculates Emissions and Costs of Power Plant Cycling Necessary for Increased Wind and Solar in the West
Golden CO (SPX) Sep 25, 2013 - New research from the Energy Department's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) quantifies the potential impacts of increasing wind and solar power generation on the operators of fossil-fueled power plants in the West. To accommodate higher amounts of wind and solar power on the electric grid, utilities must ramp down and ramp up or stop and start conventional generators more frequently to ... more

Domain walls as new information storage medium
Mainz, Germany (SPX) Sep 25, 2013 - While searching for ever smaller devices that can be used as data storage systems and novel sensors, physicists at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) have directly observed magnetization dynamics processes in magnetic nanowires and thus paved the way for further research in the field of nanomagnetism. Small magnetic domain wall structures in nanowires can be used to store informatio ... more

New steering tech for heavy equipment saves fuel, ups efficiency
West Lafayette IN (SPX) Sep 25, 2013 - Researchers at Purdue University have shown how to reduce fuel consumption while improving the efficiency of hydraulic steering systems in heavy construction equipment. The new approach incorporates several innovations: It eliminates valves now needed to direct the flow of hydraulic fluid in steering systems and uses advanced algorithms and models to precisely control hydraulic pumps. New ... more

It's been 40 years since Apollo ... Time to go Back

First steps towards achieving better and cheaper biodiesel
Bilbao, Spain (SPX) Sep 25, 2013 - Is there any connection between wine and biodiesel? The answer is yes, however surprising it may seem. Acetals are chemical compounds found in many wines, like port, for example, which give it a unique, sweet smell. However if acetals are blended with biodiesel, they improve its properties. The SUPREN research group of the Department of Chemical Engineering and the Environment of the Facul ... more

China to open first free trade zone Sunday: media
Shanghai (AFP) Sept 24, 2013 - China will on Sunday open its first free trade zone, an ambitious effort to transform its commercial centre of Shanghai into a global hub, state media reported on Tuesday. The project - which received official approval last month - will allow liberalised measures aimed at helping Shanghai compete with the likes of Hong Kong and London as well as push forward reform of the world's second-l ... more

Russia accuses Greenpeace activists of piracy
Moscow (AFP) Sept 24, 2013 - Russia opened a criminal probe Tuesday into suspected piracy by both foreign and local activists from environmental lobby group Greenpeace who staged a protest at sea over Arctic oil exploration by energy giant Gazprom. Four Russians and 26 foreign nationals - all of them interrogated Tuesday aboard a Greenpeace icebreaker seized by the Russian authorities last week - could face up to 15 y ... more

EU water law could sink mine plan in Romania: minister
Bucharest (AFP) Sept 24, 2013 - The fate of a Canadian gold mine project in the heart of Transylvania that has sparked public anger and massive protests hangs on a river protected by European law, Romanian Environment Minister Rovana Plumb said Tuesday. Canadian company Gabriel Resources hopes to extract 300 tonnes of gold and 1,600 tonnes of silver over 16 years from Rosia Montana in north-western Romania but the plans hi ... more

Switzerland leads in global energy ranking
Washington (AFP) Sept 24, 2013 - Switzerland and a handful of countries in Europe led the way in a global ranking Tuesday of energy efficiency, access to resources and environmental sustainability. China ranked 78th and the United States was 15th, according to the report by the World Energy Council, a London-based group that promotes sustainable power. Canada came in sixth and France was 10th, while the worst showing o ... more


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Leaders to discuss Japan importing Canada gas: reports
Tokyo (AFP) Sept 24, 2013 - Japan and Canada will hold talks Tuesday on Canadian shale gas exports to Japan, reports said, as the resource-poor Asian country looks to diversify its sources of fuel. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who is in Ottawa at the start of a five-day trip to North America, was set to meet Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper later in the day. The two men will discuss Tokyo's giving assi ... more

Gemalto, others join to expand S. America smart metering
Rio De Janeiro (UPI) Sep 24, 2013 - Dutch digital security giant Gemalto is joining other international firms to expand smart grid and metering business in South America. Smart grids remain controversial, amid persistent fears digitized electricity grids are more vulnerable to hostile acts than conventional electricity distribution systems. Despite that skepticism smart grid and smart metering businesses are on the march ... more

Queensland coal projects a threat to water
Washington DC (UPI) Sep 23, 2013 - Mega mines planned for the Australian state of Queensland would adversely affect the region's water supply, a new report says. The report, "Draining the Life-blood," by the anti-mining Australian network Lock the Gate, examines nine coal mines proposed for the Galilee Basin that would involve a total 34 open cut pits and 15 underground mines along a 168- mile area. Together, t ... more

Christie's hopes for more openess in China ahead of first auction
Shanghai (AFP) Sept 24, 2013 - International auction house Christie's on Tuesday expressed hopes for greater openness in China's growing art markets before its first auction on the country's mainland. "We're happy to operate here without the freedom to sell cultural relics, and when that changes we'll change with it," Christie's International chief executive Steven Murphy told a press conference. He was referring to c ... more

Canada keen on boosting energy exports to Japan
Ottawa (AFP) Sept 24, 2013 - Canada should boost energy exports to Japan as the resource-poor Asian country looks to diversify its fuel sources, their prime ministers said Tuesday. They spoke after meeting with Canadian business leaders. There are lots of areas for growth in Canadian-Japanese trade and investment ties but "one that came up most frequently is obviously energy," Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper ... more

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