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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Oil and Gas Daily - Sep 24, 2013

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24/7 Oil and Gas News Coverage
September 24, 2013
Shale pits environmental versus economic interests
Paris (AFP) Sept 24, 2013 - Shale oil and gas may be massive untapped energy sources, but the risks of extracting them has drawn calls for tighter regulation or an all-out ban. To release oil or natural gas locked inside sedimentary shale rock, energy companies inject at high pressure a mixture of water, sand and chemicals deep underground to crack the layer (sometimes called source rock) where the hydrocarbons lurk. ... more

Dutch decision to delay shale gas drilling brings mixed reactions
The Hague, Netherlands (UPI) Sep 23, 2013 - A Dutch government move to delay a decision on allowing shale gas drilling was hailed by local communities but "regretted" by energy boosters. Netherlands Economic Affairs Minister Henk Kamp announced last week the Cabinet would take 1 1/2 more years to study the potential effects of hydraulic fracturing on the environment before allowing Britain's Cuadrilla Resources to drill test well ... more

Russia tows Greenpeace ship to port, activists risk charges
Moscow (AFP) Sept 23, 2013 - Russian border guards were on Monday towing a ship of the environmental lobby group Greenpeace to an Arctic port where its activists could face charges for a protest on an oil rig owned by the Gazprom energy giant. The Arctic Sunrise ship, which Russian security forces have controlled since storming the vessel in a dramatic helicopter operation on Thursday, is to arrive in the Russian Far No ... more

Oil thieves cripple Nigeria's production, cost state $5B a year
Abuja, Nigeria (UPI) Sep 20, 2013 - Nigeria, once Africa's energy powerhouse, is losing an average of $5 billion a year in potential revenue because international criminal networks are stealing at least 100,000 barrels daily, reducing the country's production to a four-year low of less than 2 million barrels a day, a British report says. The massive and systematic theft, bolstered by deep-rooted official corruption in the ... more

Venezuelan president in China after US airspace row
Beijing (AFP) Sept 21, 2013 - Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said he had arrived in Beijing on Saturday after accusing the United States of refusing his plane access to its airspace for the journey. "I have just arrived in China to strengthen friendship and cooperation between our two countries," said Maduro, successor to deceased former leader Hugo Chavez, on a newly created weibo microblog, China's equivalent to T ... more

Subsystems for CubeSats, SmallSats and MicroSats

Clean Energy, Ferus Natural Gas Fuels, and GE Join Forces To Jointly Deliver LNG
Chicago IL (SPX) Sep 22, 2013 - Clean Energy Fuels, Ferus Natural Gas Fuels, GE Ventures and GE Energy Financial Services have announced a consortium to jointly deliver liquefied natural gas ("LNG") in the United States at the High Horsepower Summit in Chicago. The consortium, Eagle LNG Partners, will develop regional LNG projects to meet the growing demand for the cleaner-burning, less expensive fuel in industries such as lon ... more

Jordan, China ink $2.5 bn deal to build oil shale-fired plant
Amman (AFP) Sept 19, 2013 - Jordan and China have inked a memorandum of understanding to build a $2.5 billion (1.8 billion euros) oil shale-fired power plant in the kingdom to produce 900 megawatts of electricity, media said Thursday. Under the agreement, signed Wednesday in Beijing during a visit of King Abdullah II, a consortium of China's Shandong Electric Power Construction Corporation (SEPCO III) and HTJ Group as ... more

Chevron wins partial victory in Ecuador pollution case
Washington (AFP) Sept 19, 2013 - An arbitration panel in the Hague has given US oil firm Chevron an important procedural victory in its battle against a $19 billion fine by Ecuador for polluting the Amazon basin region. The panel ruled on Tuesday that Chevron was protected from collective action claims in the case, due to agreements the Ecuadoran government had set with the former Texaco, which was allegedly behind the envi ... more

Algeria gas plant report reveals energy security gaps
Algiers, Algeria (UPI) Sep 18, 2013 - The first detailed report of what happened when 32 jihadists stormed the In Amenas gas complex in Algeria in January concludes there were inadequate security measures in place and Algeria's army was ill-prepared for an attack by such a large terrorist force. The report by Norway's Statoil, which operates the sprawling complex in the Sahara Desert with BP and Algeria's state-run Sonatr ... more

Iraq Kurdish leader insists on right to export energy
Arbil, Iraq (AFP) Sept 18, 2013 - A senior leader of Iraq's autonomous Kurdish region insisted on Wednesday that it had the right to export oil, efforts which the central government in Baghdad has decried as illegal. The remarks by the prime minister of Iraqi Kurdistan came just days ahead of the three-province region's parliamentary election, in which Kurdish leaders repeatedly have vowed to defend their autonomous area aga ... more

It's been 40 years since Apollo ... Time to go Back

Study: Less methane leaks from fracking than EPA says
Washington (UPI) Sep 17, 2013 - Natural gas drilling emits 10 percent less methane greenhouse gas than the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and fracking critics say, a study indicates. The University of Texas at Austin study, funded mostly by energy interests, says the EPA estimates of "fugitive methane" were fairly accurate but based on 2-year-old data, so they didn't reflect the growing use of emissions-reducing ... more

Ecuador's Correa calls for Chevron boycott
Aguarico, Ecuador (AFP) Sept 17, 2013 - Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa called Tuesday for a global boycott of Chevron, as part of a campaign to highlight Amazon pollution that Quito has attributed to the US oil giant. Chevron has never worked directly in Ecuador but inherited a pollution lawsuit when it acquired Texaco in 2001, and has yet to pay an associated $19 billion fine. "This is one of the biggest environmental disa ... more

Probing methane's secrets: From diamonds to Neptune
Washington DC (SPX) Sep 15, 2013 - Hydrocarbons from the Earth make up the oil and gas that heat our homes and fuel our cars. The study of the various phases of molecules formed from carbon and hydrogen under high pressures and temperatures, like those found in the Earth's interior, helps scientists understand the chemical processes occurring deep within planets, including Earth. New research from a team led by Carnegie's A ... more

China confirms new gas pipeline through Tajikistan
Dushanbe, Tajikistan (AFP) Sept 14, 2013 - China's Xi Jinping at a regional summit signed a deal to build a gas pipeline through the impoverished ex-Soviet country of Tajikistan, Tajik television reported Saturday. The pipeline will transport gas from energy-rich Turkmenistan to China in as part of a huge supply deal. "Carrying out this project will allow us to attract more than $3 billion of direct investments from Chin into the ... more

DNV students propose new subsea solution for the Gulf of Mexico
Oslo, Norway (SPX) Sep 13, 2013 - Tasked by DNV with developing new ideas for oil recovery at 2,500 metres depth in the Gulf of Mexico, a group of 20 international graduating master's students have proposed a subsea concept involving a submerged tension leg processing platform midwater to evade the difficult conditions on the seabed. Additionally, storage tanks at 200 metres depth avoid the use of an FPSO and the complicat ... more


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Lebanon's gas hopes leak away amid country's woes
Beirut, Lebanon (UPI) Sep 13, 2013 - Lebanese officials are struggling to paper over the country's plethora of problems, political and otherwise, that are holding up exploration for natural gas in its sector of the eastern Mediterranean while Israel and even bankrupt Cyprus are already well advanced in exploiting their reserves. There's no getting away from the fact that Lebanon's been without a functioning government for ... more

Mideast Oil Loses Some of its Power
Washington DC (SPX) Sep 13, 2013 - On his way back from the Yalta conference in February 1945 where US President Franklin D. Roosevelt met with Great Britain's Winston Churchill and the Soviet Union's Stalin, the American president made an unscheduled stop in Egypt where he met with Saudi Arabia's King Abdel Aziz ibn Saud aboard the USS Quincy, in the Suez Canal's Great Bitter Lake. The basis of the meeting was to ensure that Ame ... more

Chevron, Transocean settle over Rio oil spill
Rio De Janeiro (AFP) Sept 13, 2013 - US energy giant Chevron and Swiss-based rig operator Transocean signed a deal with Brazilian prosecutors on Friday to settle lawsuits over an oil spill off the coast of Rio de Janeiro. Chevron has agreed to pay $41.6 million in compensation over the leak of 3,000 barrels of crude in November 2011 from the deepwater Frade field, 370 kilometers (230 miles) northwest of the picturesque coastal ... more

Nigerian residents reject Shell settlement over oil spills
Lagos (AFP) Sept 13, 2013 - Negotiations between Shell and Nigerian residents affected by two oil spills in 2008 failed to reach a compensation deal Friday, with residents' lawyers calling the oil giant's settlement offer "insulting." Talks began on Monday in Port Harcourt, the oil hub in southern Nigeria's Niger Delta region, with representatives of about 15,000 residents from Bodo, a cluster of fishing communities in ... more

China's Xi agrees $3 bn in credits for Kyrgyzstan
Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan (AFP) Sept 11, 2013 - China on Wednesday agreed credits worth over three billion dollars for energy projects in its northern neighbour Kyrgyzstan, during a visit by President Xi Jinping aimed at boosting Beijing's influence in Central Asia. Xi held talks with Kyrgyz President Almazbek Atambayev on the last leg of a major regional tour that has already taken him to Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. "Acc ... more

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