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Monday, September 30, 2013

Oil and Gas Daily - Sep 30, 2013

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24/7 Oil and Gas News Coverage
September 30, 2013
Russian court detains eight more Greenpeace crew members
Moscow (AFP) Sept 29, 2013 - A Russian court on Sunday ordered the detention for two months of eight more crew members of a Greenpeace ship who protested against Arctic oil drilling as part of a probe into alleged piracy. The Lenin district court in the northern city of Murmansk on Thursday had already ordered the detention of 22 other Greenpeace activists for two months, pending the investigation into suspected piracy ... more

Arctic drilling needs federal standards
Washington (UPI) Sep 27, 2013 - Federal standards are needed to ensure safe Arctic drilling, a new report says. The report, "Arctic Standards: Recommendations on Oil Spill Prevention, Response, and Safety in the U.S. Arctic Ocean" from Pew Charitable Trusts, comes in advance of a draft of standards for offshore Arctic drilling due to be released by the U.S. Interior Department before the end of this year. Inte ... more

Libya oil crisis imperils badly needed investment in energy
Tripoli, Libya (UPI) Sep 27, 2013 - Libya's seemingly endless security crisis has crippled its all-important energy sector, slashing production from 1.4 million barrels per day to as little as 250,000 bpd, and has driven off urgently needed foreign investment to develop Libya's battered oil sector. The situation is expected to improve in coming weeks as some oil fields in western Libya are reopened. But, despite some mar ... more

Greenpeace's 'Arctic 30': a diverse group of activists
Moscow (AFP) Sept 27, 2013 - The 30 activists from the Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise being held by Russia hail from 18 different countries with diverse backgrounds and ages. Dubbed the "Arctic 30" by the environmental group, those detained range from the veteran captain of the Greenpeace ship Rainbow Warrior bombed in 1985 in New Zealand by French agents, to the great-grandson of a Soviet foreign minister. Also bei ... more

China wins $2 billion oil deal in Uganda
Kampala (AFP) Sept 27, 2013 - China's state-owned CNOOC has secured a $2-billion deal to develop a petroleum field in Uganda and help propel the east African nation into the club of oil-producing countries, an official said Friday. "This is a major breakthrough as a country," Uganda's junior energy minister Peter Lokeris told AFP, confirming that a deal had been reached earlier this month with the China National Offshore ... more

US Navy History of Human Spaceflight Conference

Iraq's oil-rich Kurds move steadily toward independence
Erbil, Iraq (UPI) Sep 26, 2013 - Iraq's semi-autonomous Kurdish region is moving ever closer to declaring independence, thanks largely to its oil reserves of 45 billion barrels and increasingly close energy links with neighboring Turkey. Iraq's central government is diametrically opposed to Kurdistan breaking away for fear it will encourage other federal regions to seek greater autonomy at Baghdad's expense, and can be ... more

Dubai signs MoU with Sonangol to build oil refinery
Dubai (AFP) Sept 26, 2013 - Dubai said on Thursday that it has signed a memorandum of understanding with China Sonangol to build a crude oil refinery aimed at meeting rising domestic demand. The refinery, which will be the second in the Gulf emirate, will process end products for "domestic use as well as targeted international markets," the government of Dubai said in a statement. "The refinery will seek to ensure ... more

Rainbow Warrior captain among activists held in Russia
Moscow (AFP) Sept 26, 2013 - A veteran Greenpeace campaigner who was the captain of the ship Rainbow Warrior when it was bombed and sunk by French secret services in New Zealand in 1985 is among the activists detained by Russia for a protest in the Arctic. Peter Willcox, a US citizen and the captain of Greenpeace's Arctic Sunrise, was the captain of the environmental group's Rainbow Warrior vessel which was campaigning ... more

Israel sees Turkey-Cyprus settlement as key to gas exports
Tel Aviv, Israel (UPI) Sep 25, 2013 - Israelis are still trying to figure out how to export natural gas from their big offshore fields under the eastern Mediterranean, and their thinking these days seems to be moving along radical lines - like playing peacemaker. One option under study is to build a $10 billion liquefied gas terminal in nearby Cyprus, which also has found gas, and jointly export to Europe. But that' ... more

Russian court to rule on jailing Greenpeace activists
Moscow (AFP) Sept 26, 2013 - A Russian court on Thursday began considering whether to prolong the detention of 30 Greenpeace activists suspected of piracy after they held a high seas protest on an Arctic oil platform. The Lenin district court in the northern city of Murmansk on Thursday morning opened a hearing into the activists, including 26 foreigners, who launched a protest on an oil rig from Greenpeace's Arctic Sun ... more

Space Situational Awareness Conference 2013

Lawmaker charged over British fracking site protest
London (AFP) Sept 25, 2013 - A prominent Green Party lawmaker was charged Wednesday following her arrest last month at a British anti-fracking protest. Caroline Lucas - the party's first and only lawmaker voted into the British parliament - has been charged with a public order offence and wilful obstruction of a highway, the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) said. Lucas was with protesters outside energy firm Cuadri ... more

Egypt for Sale
Washington DC (SPX) Sep 26, 2013 - Three years has seen the overturn of two government, the deaths of thousands of people and the destruction of much of the Egyptian economy. In the end, the mobs have changed nothing, except to make their own lives more miserable. It was a year ago in August of 2012 that the Morsi government approached the International Monetary Fund for a 4.8 billion dollar loan. That was an increase from ... more

Russia accuses Greenpeace activists of piracy
Moscow (AFP) Sept 24, 2013 - Russia opened a criminal probe Tuesday into suspected piracy by both foreign and local activists from environmental lobby group Greenpeace who staged a protest at sea over Arctic oil exploration by energy giant Gazprom. Four Russians and 26 foreign nationals - all of them interrogated Tuesday aboard a Greenpeace icebreaker seized by the Russian authorities last week - could face up to 15 y ... more

Dutch decision to delay shale gas drilling brings mixed reactions
The Hague, Netherlands (UPI) Sep 23, 2013 - A Dutch government move to delay a decision on allowing shale gas drilling was hailed by local communities but "regretted" by energy boosters. Netherlands Economic Affairs Minister Henk Kamp announced last week the Cabinet would take 1 1/2 more years to study the potential effects of hydraulic fracturing on the environment before allowing Britain's Cuadrilla Resources to drill test well ... more

Leaders to discuss Japan importing Canada gas: reports
Tokyo (AFP) Sept 24, 2013 - Japan and Canada will hold talks Tuesday on Canadian shale gas exports to Japan, reports said, as the resource-poor Asian country looks to diversify its sources of fuel. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who is in Ottawa at the start of a five-day trip to North America, was set to meet Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper later in the day. The two men will discuss Tokyo's giving assi ... more


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Shale pits environmental versus economic interests
Paris (AFP) Sept 24, 2013 - Shale oil and gas may be massive untapped energy sources, but the risks of extracting them has drawn calls for tighter regulation or an all-out ban. To release oil or natural gas locked inside sedimentary shale rock, energy companies inject at high pressure a mixture of water, sand and chemicals deep underground to crack the layer (sometimes called source rock) where the hydrocarbons lurk. ... more

Russia tows Greenpeace ship to port, activists risk charges
Moscow (AFP) Sept 23, 2013 - Russian border guards were on Monday towing a ship of the environmental lobby group Greenpeace to an Arctic port where its activists could face charges for a protest on an oil rig owned by the Gazprom energy giant. The Arctic Sunrise ship, which Russian security forces have controlled since storming the vessel in a dramatic helicopter operation on Thursday, is to arrive in the Russian Far No ... more

Clean Energy, Ferus Natural Gas Fuels, and GE Join Forces To Jointly Deliver LNG
Chicago IL (SPX) Sep 22, 2013 - Clean Energy Fuels, Ferus Natural Gas Fuels, GE Ventures and GE Energy Financial Services have announced a consortium to jointly deliver liquefied natural gas ("LNG") in the United States at the High Horsepower Summit in Chicago. The consortium, Eagle LNG Partners, will develop regional LNG projects to meet the growing demand for the cleaner-burning, less expensive fuel in industries such as lon ... more

Oil thieves cripple Nigeria's production, cost state $5B a year
Abuja, Nigeria (UPI) Sep 20, 2013 - Nigeria, once Africa's energy powerhouse, is losing an average of $5 billion a year in potential revenue because international criminal networks are stealing at least 100,000 barrels daily, reducing the country's production to a four-year low of less than 2 million barrels a day, a British report says. The massive and systematic theft, bolstered by deep-rooted official corruption in the ... more

Venezuelan president in China after US airspace row
Beijing (AFP) Sept 21, 2013 - Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said he had arrived in Beijing on Saturday after accusing the United States of refusing his plane access to its airspace for the journey. "I have just arrived in China to strengthen friendship and cooperation between our two countries," said Maduro, successor to deceased former leader Hugo Chavez, on a newly created weibo microblog, China's equivalent to T ... more

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