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Wednesday, September 25, 2013 - Chinese VP stresses peaceful use of space; Mission to moon will boost research and awareness; XCOR Completes Liquid Hydrogen Engine Program Milestone; Young Stars Cooking in the Prawn NebulaAmateur Astronomers See Comet ISON; Space oddity: the mystery of 2013 QW1; Arctic ice melt slows down - Sep 25, 2013

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Space News from
September 24, 2013
XCOR And ULA Complete Critical Milestone In Liquid Hydrogen Engine Program
Mojave CA (SPX) Sep 25, 2013 - XCOR Aerospace and United Launch Alliance announced significant progress today in the XCOR/ULA liquid hydrogen (LH2) engine development program. "We are happy to announce that we have successfully operated our liquid hydrogen pump at full design flow rate and pressure conditions," said XCOR Chief Executive Officer Jeff Greason. "This milestone builds on our earlier success with liqui ... more

Young Stars Cooking in the Prawn Nebula
Munich, Germany (SPX) Sep 25, 2013 - The glowing jumble of gas clouds visible in this new image make up a huge stellar nursery nicknamed the Prawn Nebula. Taken using the VLT Survey Telescope at ESO's Paranal Observatory in Chile, this may well be the sharpest picture ever taken of this object. It shows clumps of hot new-born stars nestled in among the clouds that make up the nebula. Located around 6000 light-years from Earth ... more

Chinese VP stresses peaceful use of space
Beijing (XNA) Sep 25, 2013 - Chinese Vice President Li Yuanchao on Monday called for peaceful exploration and use of space so as to serve the interests of people and countries all over the world. Addressing the opening ceremony of the 64th International Astronautical Congress (IAC 2013), Li said space resources are the common wealth of mankind, and various countries enjoy equal rights to use such resources. It w ... more

Researchers publish enormous catalog of more than 300,000 nearby galaxies
Minneapolis MN (SPX) Sep 25, 2013 - More than 83,000 volunteer citizen scientists. Over 16 million galaxy classifications. Information on more than 300,000 galaxies. This is what you get when you ask the public for help in learning more about our universe. The project, named Galaxy Zoo 2, is the second phase of a crowdsourcing effort to categorize galaxies in our universe. Researchers say computers are good at automatically ... more

Mighty Eagle Improves Autonomous Landing Software With Successful Flight
Huntsville AL (SPX) Sep 25, 2013 - The Mighty Eagle, a NASA robotic prototype lander managed out of NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala. successfully completed a test flight today as part of a series to help validate software from Moon Express, Inc. The flight also evaluated a new hazard avoidance system designed and developed at the Marshall Center. Under the terms of a Reimbursable Space Act Agreement s ... more

Subsystems for CubeSats, SmallSats and MicroSats

NASA Rover Inspects Pebbly Rocks at Martian Waypoint
Pasadena CA (JPL) Sep 25, 2013 - NASA's Mars rover Curiosity has resumed a trek of many months toward its mountain-slope destination, Mount Sharp. The rover used instruments on its arm last week to inspect rocks at its first waypoint along the route inside Gale Crater. The location, originally chosen on the basis of images taken from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, paid off with investigation of targets that bear evid ... more

Sunshield for NASA's James Webb Space Telescope Ready for Manufacturing
Redondo Beach CA (SPX) Sep 25, 2013 - NASA's James Webb Space Telescope is dominated visually by the tennis-court sized sunshield, which separates the observatory into a warm sun-facing side and a cold anti-sun side. Each of the five sunshield layers helps to protect the telescope optics - or mirrors - from the sun's heat. Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE:NOC) and teammate NeXolve Corporation, a subsidiary of ManTech Interna ... more

Mission to moon will boost research and awareness
Beijing (XNA) Sep 25, 2013 - China could take advantage of its Chang'e-3 lunar exploration mission to boost international cooperation on space exploration and promote space education and awareness among the public, a leading expert from the United States said on Sunday. Speaking on the sidelines of a Galaxy Forum workshop held in Beijing, Steve Durst, founding director of the International Lunar Observatory Associatio ... more

Amateur Astronomers See Comet ISON
Huntsville AL (SPX) Sep 25, 2013 - Anticipation is building as Comet ISON approaches the sun for a close encounter on Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 28). No one knows if the blast of solar heating ISON receives will turn it into one of the finest comets in years--or destroy the icy visitor from the outer solar system. Astronomer Carey Lisse, the head of NASA's Comet ISON Observing Campaign, hopes that "every telescope on Earth will ... more

ESA's Cluster satellites in closest-ever 'dance in space'
Paris (ESA) Sep 25, 2013 - Since 2000, the four identical satellites of the Cluster quartet have been probing Earth's magnetosphere in three dimensions. This week, two of them made their closest-ever approach, just 4 km, enabling valuable data to be acquired with unprecedented detail. In an orbital reconfiguration that will help to maintain the mission's life span, two of the four satellites achieved their closest-e ... more

It's been 40 years since Apollo ... Time to go Back

Arianespace and Astrium sign deal to begin production of 18 new Ariane 5 vehicles
Paris (SPX) Sep 25, 2013 - Arianespace and Astrium sign an agreement to begin production of 18 additional Ariane 5 ECA launchers. Arianespace and Astrium signed an initial agreement on 17 September to begin the production of 18 additional Ariane 5 ECA launchers. As part of this agreement, Arianespace has ordered from Astrium, long-lead items and the start of production activities for the 18 additional launchers. The ... more

Space oddity: the mystery of 2013 QW1
Paris (ESA) Sep 25, 2013 - Last month, ESA's near-Earth asteroid coordination centre triggered a series of European observations that confirmed an unknown object was, in fact, of human origin. The confirmation was the Centre's second such success in recent months and demonstrates the effectiveness of the Agency's asteroid-monitoring activities. On 23 August, a rather unusual object was spotted in the sky by the US P ... more

Taiwan develops 'smart' munitions against China: report
Taipei (AFP) Sept 21, 2013 - Taiwan's air force will be armed with "smart" munitions before the year's end that could be used against any Chinese invasion by striking airfields and harbours on the mainland, media reported Saturday. The new weaponry, developed under a project codenamed "Wan Chien" (Ten Thousands Swords), is scheduled to be carried by dozens of Taiwan's fighter jets. The island nation began developing ... more

Iran parades 30 2,000 km range missiles
Tehran (AFP) Sept 22, 2013 - Iran paraded 30 missiles with a nominal range of 2,000 kilometres (1,250 miles) Sunday, the first time it had displayed so many with the theoretical capacity to hit Israeli targets. Iran displayed 12 Sejil and 18 Ghadr missiles at the annual parade marking the anniversary of the outbreak of the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq war. The stated range of both missiles would put not only Israel but also US ... more

Carbon cleanup would save millions of lives: study
Paris (AFP) Sept 22, 2013 - Reducing fossil-fuel emissions to safer levels would save millions of lives annually by the end of the century, a study said on Sunday. The estimate is based on a simulation of levels of two big pollutants, fine particulate matter and ozone, from coal, oil and gas. Researchers led by Jason West at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill derive their model from an emissions projec ... more


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Subduction channel processes: New progress in plate tectonic theory
Beijing CH (SPX) Sep 25, 2013 - The plate tectonic theory has been primarily developed in three stages. (1) From continental drift and seafloor spreading to oceanic subduction, laying a physical foundation of the plate tectonic theory. This was achieved by the recognitions that continents would be assembled to build a supercontinent Pangea with subsequent breakup to yield the present configuration, lithospheric plates bu ... more

Arctic ice melt slows down: NASA
Washington (AFP) Sept 21, 2013 - Arctic sea ice melted less this summer and continued to cover a greater expanse than last year's record minimum, NASA data shows. Following unusually cold summer temperatures in the northernmost latitudes, the US space agency said Friday that the sea ice extent shrunk to 1.97 million square miles (5.10 million square kilometers). The analysis was based on September 13 data by NASA and th ... more

Lawrence Livermore study finds human activity affects vertical structure of atmospheric temperature
Livermore CA (SPX) Sep 25, 2013 - Human influences have directly impacted the latitude/altitude pattern of atmospheric temperature. That is the conclusion of a new report by scientists from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and six other scientific institutions. The research compares multiple satellite records of atmospheric temperature change with results from a large, multi-model archive of simulations. "Human activ ... more

Quantum entanglement only dependent upon area
London, UK (SPX) Sep 25, 2013 - Two researchers at UCL Computer Science and the University of Gdansk present a new method for determining the amount of entanglement - a quantum phenomenon connecting two remote partners, and crucial for quantum technology - within part of a one-dimensional quantum system. In their paper, published this week in Nature Physics, Dr Fernando Brandao (UCL Computer Science) and Dr Michal Horode ... more

Researchers discover evidence to support controversial theory of 'buckyball' formation
Blacksburg VA (SPX) Sep 25, 2013 - Researchers at the Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute have reported the first experimental evidence that supports the theory that a soccer ball-shaped nanoparticle commonly called a buckyball is the result of a breakdown of larger structures rather than being built atom-by-atom from the ground up. Technically known as fullerenes, these spherical carbon molecules have shown great pro ... more

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