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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

TerraDaily Express - Sep 25, 2013

US Navy History of Human Spaceflight Conference

24/7 News Coverage
September 25, 2013
After the storms, a different opinion on climate change
Washington DC (SPX) Sep 25, 2013 - Extreme weather may lead people to think more seriously about climate change, according to new research. In the wake of Hurricanes Irene and Sandy, New Jersey residents were more likely to show support for a politician running on a "green" platform, and expressed a greater belief that climate change is caused by human activity. This research, published in Psychological Science, a journal o ... more

New technology for bioseparation
Washington DC (SPX) Sep 25, 2013 - Separating target molecules in biological samples is a critical part of diagnosing and detecting diseases. Usually the target and probe molecules are mixed and then separated in batch processes that require multiple pipetting, tube washing and extraction steps that can affect accuracy. Now a team of researchers at Brown University has developed a simple new technique that is capable of sep ... more

Your brain digitally remastered for clarity of thought
Blacksburg VA (SPX) Sep 25, 2013 - The sweep of a needle across the grooves of a worn vinyl record carries distinct sounds: hisses, scratches, even the echo of skips. For many years, though, those yearning to hear Frank Sinatra sing "Fly Me to the Moon" have been able to listen to his light baritone with technical clarity, courtesy of the increased signal-to-noise ratio of digital remasterings. Now, with advances in neurofe ... more

Yellow peril: Are banana farms contaminating Costa Rica's crocs?
London, UK (SPX) Sep 25, 2013 - Shoppers spend over Pounds 10 billion on bananas annually and now this demand is being linked to the contamination of Central America's crocodilians. New research, published in Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, analyses blood samples from spectacled caiman in Costa Rica and finds that intensive pesticide use in plantations leads to contaminated species in protected conservation areas. ... more

Weather, yield compared for horticultural crops in Wisconsin and southern Ontario
Guelph, Canada (SPX) Sep 25, 2013 - Because Wisconsin and Ontario are similar in terms of agricultural practices, types of vegetable crops produced, climate, and latitude, researchers in Ontario looked to data from Wisconsin when comparing the long-term effects of climate on vegetable crop yield. According to researchers from the University of Guelph (Ontario, Canada), the length of the growing season is similar in the two l ... more

Subsystems for CubeSats, SmallSats and MicroSats

Polar bears change to diet with higher contaminant loads
Aarhus, Denmark (SPX) Sep 25, 2013 - Researchers expect the climate to become warmer in the future and predict that climate change will have a significant impact on the Arctic. How will a warming Arctic affect the polar bears? The East Greenlandic population of polar bears resides in an area, where the Arctic sea ice is expected to disappear very late. However, the decline in the ice sheet here occurs at a rate of almost 1% p ... more

Geologists simulate deep earthquakes in the laboratory
Riverside CA (SPX) Sep 25, 2013 - More than 20 years ago, geologist Harry Green, now a distinguished professor of the graduate division at the University of California, Riverside, and colleagues discovered a high-pressure failure mechanism that they proposed then was the long-sought mechanism of very deep earthquakes (earthquakes occurring at more than 400 km depth). The result was controversial because seismologists could ... more

Underlying ocean melts ice shelf, speeds up glacier movement
University Park PA (SPX) Sep 25, 2013 - Warm ocean water, not warm air, is melting the Pine Island Glacier's floating ice shelf in Antarctica and may be the culprit for increased melting of other ice shelves, according to an international team of researchers. "We've been dumping heat into the atmosphere for years and the oceans have been doing their job, taking it out of the air and into the ocean," said Sridhar Anandakrishnan, ... more

Extinction and overfishing threats can be predicted decades before population declines
Santa Barbara CA (SPX) Sep 25, 2013 - A new UC Santa Barbara study shows that threats created by overfishing can be identified decades before the fish species at risk experience high overly harvest rates and subsequent population declines. Researchers developed an Eventual Threat Index (ETI) that quantifies the biological and socioeconomic conditions that eventually cause some fish species to be harvested at unsustainable rates. ... more

Climate change to shift Kenya's breadbaskets
Naivasha, Kenya (SPX) Sep 25, 2013 - Kenyan farmers and agriculture officials need to prepare for a possible geographic shift in maize production as climate change threatens to make some areas of the country much less productive for cultivation while simultaneously making others more maize-friendly, according to a new report prepared by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and the Association for Strengthening A ... more

It's been 40 years since Apollo ... Time to go Back

Warming ocean thawing Antarctic glacier
Fairbanks AK (SPX) Sep 25, 2013 - For the first time, researchers completed an extensive exploration of how quickly ice is melting underneath a rapidly changing Antarctic glacier, possibly the biggest source of uncertainty in global sea level projections. Martin Truffer, a physics professor at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, and Tim Stanton, an oceanographer with the Naval Postgraduate School, were able to look underne ... more

Southern Ocean sampling reveals travels of marine microbes
Sydney, Australia (SPX) Sep 25, 2013 - By collecting water samples up to six kilometres below the surface of the Southern Ocean, UNSW researchers have shown for the first time the impact of ocean currents on the distribution and abundance of marine micro-organisms. The sampling was the deepest ever undertaken from the Australian icebreaker, RSV Aurora Australis. Microbes are so tiny they are invisible to the naked eye, bu ... more

Arctic Sea Ice Minimum in 2013 is Sixth Lowest on Record
Greenbelt MD (SPX) Sep 25, 2013 - After an unusually cold summer in the northernmost latitudes, Arctic sea ice appears to have reached its annual minimum summer extent for 2013 on Sept. 13, the NASA-supported National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) at the University of Colorado in Boulder has reported. Analysis of satellite data by NSIDC and NASA showed that the sea ice extent shrunk to 1.97 million square miles (5.10 million ... more

Smithfield agrees to takeover by China's Shuanghui
Washington (AFP) Sept 24, 2013 - Shuanghui International won the largest ever Chinese takeover of a US company Tuesday when shareholders of pork giant Smithfield Foods approved its $7.1 billion offer. The deal locks in for Shuanghui and the giant Chinese market a strong supply from the world's largest pig raiser and pork processor. Smithfield said the deal received 96 percent of the votes cast at a special shareholders ... more

Heavy rains kill 36 in Vietnam, Cambodia
Hanoi (AFP) Sept 24, 2013 - Heavy monsoon rains exacerbated by Typhoon Usagi have pounded parts of Vietnam and Cambodia killing at least 36 people, authorities said Tuesday, with many swept to their deaths in floods. Despite not being directly hit by Usagi - the world's most powerful storm this year - parts of Southeast Asia have seen a worsening of their annual rainy season as the typhoon barrelled through the Phil ... more


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GOES Satellite Catches Three Tropical Cyclones in One Shot, Sees Gabrielle Absorbed
Greenbelt MD (SPX) Sep 25, 2013 - There were three tropical cyclones between the north Eastern Pacific and the North Atlantic Ocean on Saturday, Sept. 14, and NOAA's GOES-East satellite captured them in one image created by NASA. Because Mexico was being hit with Tropical Storm Ingrid and Manuel, both coasts were under Tropical Storm Warnings. The National Hurricane Center cautioned that some areas in eastern and western Mexico ... more

Heavy toll feared as big quake hits Pakistan
Quetta, Pakistan (AFP) Sept 24, 2013 - Heavy casualties were feared Tuesday after a 7.8-magnitude earthquake hit southwestern Pakistan, demolishing houses and sending people running into the streets in panic. The quake struck at 4:29 pm local time (1129 GMT) around 100 kilometres (60 miles) southwest of the city of Khuzdar in Baluchistan province, at a depth of 15 kilometres. The area of the epicentre is sparsely populated, b ... more

Dozens killed in major Pakistan quake
Quetta, Pakistan (AFP) Sept 24, 2013 - A huge earthquake hit southwest Pakistan on Tuesday, killing at least 46 people, toppling scores of homes and sending people around the region rushing into the streets in panic. The 7.7-magnitude quake - which sparked warnings of heavy casualties from seismologists - was centred in Baluchistan province's Awaran district but was felt as far afield as New Delhi and Dubai. Officials said ... more

China takes 12.5% stake in Russian potash giant: company
Moscow (AFP) Sept 24, 2013 - A Chinese state investment vehicle has taken a 12.5-percent stake in Russia's leading potash producer Uralkali, the company said on Tuesday, in a new sign of China's interest in the fertiliser. "On 24 September, 2013 the company was notified by Chengdong Investment Corporation that their stake in Uralkali amounts to 12.5 percent," Uralkali said in a statement. Chengdong Investment Corpor ... more

Chinese activist accuses Beijing of targeting his family
Washington (AFP) Sept 24, 2013 - Chinese dissident Chen Guangcheng on Tuesday accused Beijing authorities of cracking down on members of his family, calling on President Barack Obama to intervene. Chen, who emigrated to the United States last year following his dramatic escape from house arrest, told reporters at the National Press Club in Washington that several members of his family had been harassed since he left his ho ... more

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