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Friday, September 27, 2013

TerraDaily Express - Sep 27, 2013

Subsystems for CubeSats, SmallSats and MicroSats

24/7 News Coverage
September 27, 2013
Late Cretaceous Period was likely ice-free
Columbia, MO (SPX) Sep 27, 2013 - For years, scientists have thought that a continental ice sheet formed during the Late Cretaceous Period more than 90 million years ago when the climate was much warmer than it is today. Now, a University of Missouri researcher has found evidence suggesting that no ice sheet formed at this time. This finding could help environmentalists and scientists predict what the earth's climate will be as ... more

A fast fish with a huge impact
Munich, Germany (SPX) Sep 27, 2013 - Globalization is breaking down barriers - also for plants and animals on the lookout for new homes. Rivers are also changing, in particular through the introduction of non-native species, often brought in by passing ships. In the Danube River, scientists have been observing a fish species conquering a new habitat and creating a totally new ecosystem in the process. Recent decades have seen ... more

Chasing the black holes of the ocean
Zurich, Switzerland (SPX) Sep 27, 2013 - According to researchers from ETH Zurich and the University of Miami, some of the largest ocean eddies on Earth are mathematically equivalent to the mysterious black holes of space. These eddies are so tightly shielded by circular water paths that nothing caught up in them escapes. The mild winters experienced in Northern Europe are thanks to the Gulf Stream, which makes up part of those o ... more

Northern moths may fare better under climate warming than expected
Hanover NH (SPX) Sep 27, 2013 - Moths in northern Finland are less susceptible to rising temperatures than expected, suggesting high latitude moth populations around the world may be partly buffered from the effects of rapid climate warming, according to a new Dartmouth-Finnish study based on the most extensive analyses yet conducted of seasonal patterns in forest animals. The results are important because moths are a ke ... more

Uphill for the trees of the world
Aarhus, Denmark (SPX) Sep 27, 2013 - Human civilisation has had an impact on the world, and it continues to have an even greater impact. One of these is that the forests have been cleared and especially so in flat lowlands, so that they have gradually become restricted to steep terrain. This pattern is now emerging all across the world. Developed countries have been particularly efficient at removing forests from fertile, fla ... more

US Navy History of Human Spaceflight Conference

Fossil record shows crustaceans vulnerable as modern coral reefs decline
Gainesville FL (SPX) Sep 27, 2013 - Many ancient crustaceans went extinct following a massive collapse of reefs across the planet, and new University of Florida research suggests modern species living in rapidly declining reef habitats may now be at risk. Available online and scheduled to appear in the November issue of Geology, the study shows a direct correlation between the amount of prehistoric reefs and the number of de ... more

Wind and rain belts to shift north as planet warms
New York NY (SPX) Sep 27, 2013 - As humans continue to heat the planet, a northward shift of Earth's wind and rain belts could make a broad swath of regions drier, including the Middle East, American West and Amazonia, while making Monsoon Asia and equatorial Africa wetter, says a new study in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The study authors base their prediction on the warming that brought Earth out of ... more

Modifying Rice Crops to Resist Herbicide Prompts Weedy Neighbors' Growth Spurt
Columbus OH (SPX) Sep 27, 2013 - Rice containing an overactive gene that makes it resistant to a common herbicide can pass that genetic trait to weedy rice, prompting powerful growth even without a weed-killer to trigger the modification benefit, new research shows. Previously, scientists have found that when a genetically modified trait passes from a crop plant to a closely related weed, the weed gains the crop's enginee ... more

Sonar mapping for oil killed Madagascar whales: study
Washington (AFP) Sept 26, 2013 - A noisy technology that blasts high-frequency sounds below water to map the ocean for oil probably caused the deaths of 75 melon-headed whales off Madagascar, experts said Thursday. An independent panel of scientists found that sonar surveying by ExxonMobil in late May 2008 led to the sudden displacement of around 100 whales, of which at least three-quarters died. "This is the first kno ... more

Storm-stricken Acapulco hit by new floods
Acapulco, Mexico (AFP) Sept 26, 2013 - Authorities in Acapulco closed schools and evacuated dozens of residents Thursday after heavy rains sparked new floods in the Mexican Pacific resort still reeling from deadly tropical storms. Flooding was reported in at least 22 city districts and the main boulevard to the airport was closed after a lagoon overflowed, though the terminal remained in operation, officials said. Around 40 p ... more

Space Situational Awareness Conference 2013

2008 mass whale stranding attributed to sonar mapping, researchers say
Antananarivo, Madagascar (UPI) Sep 26, 2013 - A mass whale stranding in Loza Lagoon off Madagascar on 2008 has been attributed to high-frequency mapping sonar systems, researchers said. An investigatory team determined the stranding of 100 melon-headed whales was caused by an echo-sounder system operated by a survey vessel, Science Recorder reported Thursday. When the stranding occurred, the Wildlife Conservation Society wor ... more

Pakistan quake survivors face long wait for aid
Awaran, Pakistan (AFP) Sept 26, 2013 - Tens of thousands of survivors of Pakistan's earthquake waited for help in soaring temperatures Thursday, as the death toll rose past 350 and anger grew at the slow pace of government aid. More than 100,000 people made homeless by Tuesday's 7.7-magnitude quake spent a second night in the open or under makeshift shelters as response teams struggled to reach the remote region in the southweste ... more

Chile ruling to keep Barrick mine closed to late 2014
Montreal (AFP) Sept 26, 2013 - Chile's high court has upheld an order temporarily suspending construction of what would be the world's biggest gold mine over environmental concerns, Canadian mining firm Barrick Gold announced Thursday. The multi-billion dollar Pascua-Lama project, which straddles Chile's border with Argentina at an altitude of 4,000 meters (13,200 feet), was launched in 2009. But local groups launched ... more

Study finds 'microbial clock' may help determine time of death
Boulder, Colo. (UPI) Sep 26, 2013 - A so-called microbial clock may help determine the time a person dies, research led by the University of Colorado-Boulder indicates. The clock is essentially the succession of bacterial changes occurring postmortem as bodies go through the decay process, the university said in a release. Researchers used mice for the latest study, but previous studies on the human microbiome - t ... more

UN panel in final push for new climate report
Stockholm (AFP) Sept 26, 2013 - Scientists and governments pored over the summary Thursday of an eagerly awaited UN report expected to emphasise the escalating threat from climate change. To be released in Stockholm on Friday, it will be the Nobel-winning panel's first overview since 2007 of the scientific evidence for climate change. A draft of the summary seen by AFP declares with the greatest emphasis to date that c ... more


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Thousands of dinosaur tracks found along Yukon River in Alaska
Fairbanks, Alaska (UPI) Sep 27, 2013 - Thousands of dinosaur tracks found in a remote area on the Yukon River are "evidence of an extinct ecosystem," University of Alaska researchers say. The tracks were discovered by a team from the university's Museum of the North in Fairbanks after a 500-mile boat trip, the university said last week. Earth Sciences Curator Pat Druckenmiller said the tracks were left by a diverse group of ... more

Temperatures to rise 0.3-4.8 C this century: UN panel
Stockholm (AFP) Sept 27, 2013 - A UN panel said Friday it was more certain than ever that humans were causing global warming and predicted temperatures would rise by 0.3 to 4.8 degrees Celsius (0.5-8.6 degrees Fahrenheit) this century. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) also projected sea levels would rise by between 26 and 82 centimetres (10.4 and 32.8 inches) by 2100, according to a summary of the first ... more

Europe's bison, beavers and bears bounce back: report
Paris (AFP) Sept 26, 2013 - Several European animal and bird species driven to near extinction by humans have made a dramatic comeback in the past 50 years thanks to conservation efforts, a report said Thursday. In rare good news, the report points to a 3,000-percent boost for the European bison, Eurasian beaver, White-headed duck and some populations of Pink-footed goose. The report boasted growth for 17 of the 18 ... more

Brazil's drive for clean politics comes at cost
Brasilia, Brazil (UPI) Sep 26, 2013 - Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff pledged to clean the country's politics when she took office Jan. 1, 2011, but her actions are having some unpredictable consequences. From the start her government's anti-corruption campaign was picked up in earnest by Brazilian media that went on to publish one embarrassing revelation after another - including some about her senior aides that requir ... more

Putin: Russia committed to Arctic environmental protection
Salekhard, Russia (UPI) Sep 27, 2013 - The Arctic region holds huge economic potential but Russia also wants to cooperate with others to preserve its fragile environment, President Vladimir Putin says. Putin, speaking Wednesday at the Third International Arctic Forum in the sub-polar city of Salekhard, pledged to work with the other "Arctic Five" nations to keep the polar region clean, even as the event was overshadowed by t ... more

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