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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Energy-Daily Express - Oct 10, 2013

Subsystems for CubeSats, SmallSats and MicroSats

24/7 Energy News Coverage
October 09, 2013
Myanmar to get more coal-fired power
Naypyidaw, Myanmar (UPI) Oct 9, 2013 - India and Singapore have agreed to jointly build a power plant with Myanmar for the energy-starved Southeast Asian country. The coal-fired, 500-megawatt power plant in Kyauktan, Myanmar's Yangon region, will be built by Myanmar's Ministry of Electric Power, Orange Powergen Pvt Ltd of India, Global Adviser Pte Ltd of Singapore and Myanmar's Diamond Palace Services Co Ltd, China's state-r ... more

MEPs: shale gas projects require environment impact study
Strasbourg, France (AFP) Oct 09, 2013 - Extracting shale oil and gas reserves through controversial 'fracking' will in future require an environmental impact study, European lawmakers agreed Wednesday, despite opposition this will add to costs and hurt jobs. "Despite pressure from the oil and gas lobby, and from some member states, exploration and exploitation of shale (resources) will be subject to the requirement," said French G ... more

Russian warhead fallout keeps America warm
United Nations, United States (AFP) Oct 09, 2013 - Uranium fuel from 20,000 disarmed Russian warheads is generating about half of US nuclear power in a spinoff from a landmark disarmament accord, a top US official said Wednesday. But the deal under which 500 tonnes of Russian weapons-grade uranium has been used to light and heat American homes will end next month because Russia believes its former Cold War rival has been getting energy on th ... more

Report says U.S. could face shortage of nuclear reactor material
Washington (UPI) Oct 9, 2013 - The United States could be facing a shortage of lithium, an element vital to the operation of many of the country's nuclear reactors, a study says. The study from the Government Accountability Office said only China and Russia still produce significant amounts of lithium and the supply may be drying up, The New York Times reported Wednesday. The possible shortage of lithium - cr ... more

Six Fukushima workers doused with radioactive water
Tokyo (AFP) Oct 09, 2013 - Six workers at Japan's crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant were doused with radioactive water from a desalination system Wednesday, the plant's operator said. The fluid splashed onto the men when they accidently removed a pipe connected to the system, Tokyo Electric Power (TEPCO) said. "The water did not come into contact with their faces so there is a little possibility that the work ... more

Space Situational Awareness Conference 2013

Ford expands in Asia, sees sales over 1 mln this year
Detroit (AFP) Oct 09, 2013 - Ford is catching up to its competitors in key Asian markets and expects to sell more than one million vehicles there for the first time this year, a senior executive said Wednesday. Key to that growth is China, where Ford's sales were up 51 percent in the first nine months of the year to 647,849 vehicles, said David Schoch, Ford's group vice president for the Asia Pacific region. "We're ... more

Lebanon's feuding pols block Med gas drilling again
Beirut, Lebanon (UPI) Oct 9, 2013 - Lebanon's problem-plagued efforts to launch a major gas exploration program in the eastern Mediterranean seems to be jinxed, largely because of feuding politicians who seem determined to sabotage the troubled country's hopes of economic salvation. Lebanon has been effectively without a government for six months and the politicians who represent the country's fractious Muslim and Christi ... more

UN atomic agency praises British nuclear safety
Vienna (AFP) Oct 09, 2013 - The UN atomic agency on Wednesday praised Britain's improvements to its regulatory framework for nuclear safety but said more needed to be done. Following a 10-day visit, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said in preliminary findings Britain had made "considerable progress since reviews in 2006 and 2009". "Recommendations and suggestions" were however made, "aimed at strength ... more

MEPs urge tough conditions on China investment accord talks
Strasbourg, France (AFP) Oct 09, 2013 - European lawmakers insisted Wednesday they should have oversight of talks on an EU-China investment protection agreement and set conditions which could prove unwelcome in Beijing. A text adopted by the European Parliament said that compared with Chinese firms operating in the 28-member European Union, EU companies in China face discrimination, being forced into joint ventures in a state-cont ... more

Taiwan risks tensions with survey of disputed Spratlys
Taipei (AFP) Oct 09, 2013 - Taiwan has conducted a natural gas and oil survey in the disputed Spratly Islands, a legislator said Wednesday, the latest in a string of moves that risk stoking tensions over the South China Sea archipelago. A team of technicians from the state-run CPC Corporation, Taiwan sailed to Taiping, the island in the chain that is controlled by Taipei, on Monday, legislator Lin Yu-fang's office said ... more

Turn key solar systems for domestic and commercial installations
Turn key solar systems for domestic and commercial installations

Ancient complex of shops uncovered in northern Greece
Montreal (UPI) Oct 9, 2013 - An ancient portico - a long, open structure often housing shops - unearthed in northern Greece has been dated at 2,700 years old, Canadian archaeologists say. In ancient Greece, porticos - stoa in Greek - delineated public squares from the city center, the agora. "Porticos are well known from the Hellenistic period, from the 3rd to 1st century B.C., but earlier examples are e ... more

Russia warns Dutch over dairy, tulips in diplomatic row
Moscow (AFP) Oct 09, 2013 - Russia hinted Wednesday it may ban the import of Dutch tulips and dairy products in an escalating row between the nations sparked by the arrests of Greenpeace activists protesting Arctic oil drilling. The head of Russia's veterinary and plant monitoring service told Interfax that the results of Russia's ongoing audit of Dutch dairy products "have been unsatisfactory". Sergei Dankvert acc ... more

Traditional computer sales eroded by love of tablets
San Francisco (AFP) Oct 09, 2013 - Industry trackers on Wednesday reported that sales of traditional personal computers continued to wither in the recently ended quarter as tastes shifted to tablets. A total of 80.3 million personal computers were shipped worldwide in the third quarter of this year, an 8.6 percent drop from the same period in 2012, according to Gartner. It was the six consecutive quarter of decline for pe ... more

BBC to push computing, coding in British schools, homes, businesses
London (UPI) Oct 8, 2013 - The BBC, in a push to move computing into the mainstream, has announced plans to bring coding into every home, business and school in the United Kingdom. BBC's director general, Tony Hall, said the initiative would launch in 2015. "We want to inspire a new generation to get creative with coding, programming and digital technology," he said, citing increasing concerns that vital c ... more

Canada gives shipyard a $3.3 billion push
Vancouver, British Columbia (UPI) Oct 9, 2013 - The Canadian Coast Guard will add 10 new non-combat ships to its fleet in a $3.3-billion contract hailed as a boost to Vancouver's economy. The contract will likely create up to 1,000 skilled jobs in and around Vancouver, where the vessels will be built by Vancouver Shipyards group, officials said. Industry sources said the contract award was expected and its final allocation to ... more


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Samsung debuts first curved-screen smartphone
Seoul (UPI) Oct 9, 2013 - South Korea's Samsung Electronics has announced the Galaxy Round, the world's first smartphone with a curved screen. The Round's 5.7-inch display, made from flexible materials, is curved along the vertical axis, curving from left to right. The screen's shape allows the entire device to be curved, a feature intended to provide a comfortable hand grip feeling to the user, Samsung s ... more

Twitter deal lets viewers change channels from tweet
New York City (AFP) Oct 09, 2013 - Twitter unveiled a partnership Wednesday with Comcast and its NBCUniversal unit that allows television viewers to tune in to a show or change channels directly from a tweet. The deal, which could also be expanded to other television or video producers, uses a "See It" button integrated in a tweet that allows a Twitter user to instantly connect to a TV program. It builds on the use of Twi ... more

Quantum computers: Trust is good, proof is better
Vienna, Austria (SPX) Oct 09, 2013 - A quantum computer can solve tasks not tractable with conventional supercomputers. The question of how one can, nevertheless, verify the reliability of a quantum computer was recently answered in an experiment at the University of Vienna. The conclusions are published in the reputed scientific journal Nature Physics. The harnessing of quantum phenomena, such as superposition and entangleme ... more

Ultraviolet light to the extreme
Washington DC (SPX) Oct 09, 2013 - When you heat a tiny droplet of liquid tin with a laser, plasma forms on the surface of the droplet and produces extreme ultraviolet (EUV) light, which has a higher frequency and greater energy than normal ultraviolet. Now, for the first time, researchers have mapped this EUV emission and developed a theoretical model that explains how the emission depends on the three-dimensional shape of ... more

The Shale Boom, Just Getting Started
Washington DC (SPX) Oct 09, 2013 - By. James Stafford Thanks to the shale boom, markets already perceive the trade balance optimizing, energy prices are cheaper than they would otherwise be and we've even cut carbon emissions. And we are only getting started, according Tyler Cowen, New York Times best-selling author and one of the most influential economists of the decade. While we aren't likely to get past the American pu ... more

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