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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Nuclear Power Daily Promotion - Operations To Shut-Down: Navigating These Major Challenges

Nuclear Energy Insider

24/7 Nuclear Energy News Coverage

Oct 10, 2013
Dear Reader

Used fuel management strategies are increasingly impacting decommissioning activities - an issue that countless nuclear operators are currently tasked with.

In light of this issue, four senior level execs from Duke Energy, Exelon, Yankee Atomic and Dairyland Power examined how used fuel and decommissioning decisions are impacting one another and what the major challenges are when transitioning from operations to shut-down.

They provided critical insight from three different sites that have either successfully undergone decommissioning, are undergoing decommissioning activities, or are now facing decommissioning decisions.

The key drivers and their findings are summed up in this brief paper that you can read here:

Hopefully it is an interesting read.

Best regards,

Elizabeth Demestiha
Senior Project Manager
Nuclear Energy Insider

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