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Wednesday, October 16, 2013 - Oct 16, 2013

Subsystems for CubeSats, SmallSats and MicroSats

Space News from
October   16, 2013
Boeing to build a new satellite for Inmarsat network
El Segundo, Calif. (UPI) Oct 15, 2013 - Boeing will build a fourth Inmarsat-5 Global Xpress satellite as part of a strategy to widen the Inmarsat network.   The first spacecraft in the series is scheduled to launch this year while the fourth is not due until 2016, the aerospace and aviation giant said.   Global Xpress is intended to provide Inmarsat's government and commercial customers with mobile broadband connectivity o ... more

Samsung to break ground at US research center
San Francisco (AFP) Oct 15, 2013 - Samsung its set to break ground at a big Silicon Valley research center on Wednesday, just down the road from its arch-rival Apple.  The South Korean electronics giant scheduled an event at the location in Mountain View, California, less than 10 kilometers (six miles) from Apple's headquarters in Cupertino.  The research and development center is part of Samsung's efforts to attract new ta ... more

SwRI study finds that Pluto satellites' orbital ballet may hint of long-ago collisions
Boulder CO (SPX) Oct 16, 2013 - A large impact 4 billion years ago may account for the puzzling orbital configuration among Pluto's five known satellites, according to a new model developed by planetary scientists from Southwest Research Institute (SwRI).  Starting with Charon, Pluto's nearest and largest moon, each of the successively more distant - and much smaller - moons orbits Pluto according to a steadily increasing ... more

Rosetta: 100 days to wake-up
Paris (ESA) Oct 16, 2013 - ESA's comet-chasing mission Rosetta will wake up in 100 days' time from deep-space hibernation to reach the destination it has been cruising towards for a decade.  Comets are the primitive building blocks of the Solar System and the likely source of much of Earth's water, perhaps even delivering to Earth the ingredients that helped life evolve. By studying the nature of a comet close-up wit ... more

Research aims at prosthetic arms with natural-like touch
Chicago (UPI) Oct 14, 2013 - University of Chicago scientists say touch-sensitive prosthetic limbs may one day convey real-time sensory information to amputees via a direct brain interface.   Writing in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the researchers say their efforts are a key step toward new technology that, if implemented successfully, would increase the dexterity and versatility of robotic pr ... more

Space Situational Awareness Conference 2013

Orbcomm And Savi Announce Strategic Partnership
Rochelle Park NJ (SPX) Oct 16, 2013 - ORBCOMM and Savi Technology (Savi), have announced a strategic relationship to provide advanced location-based monitoring solutions to government and commercial markets.  ORBCOMM and Savi have submitted a proposal in response to the U.S. Army RFID IV project, which will provide both ISO18000-7 RFID tags and a suite of satellite solutions for military logistics support.  ORBCOMM's Globa ... more

Martian scars Run Deep
Paris (ESA) Oct 16, 2013 - Ripped apart by tectonic forces, Hebes Chasma and its neighbouring network of canyons bear the scars of the Red Planet's early history. ESA's Mars Express has flown over this region of Mars on numerous occasions, but this new eight-image mosaic reveals Hebes Chasma in full and in greater detail than ever.  Hebes Chasma is an enclosed, almost 8 km-deep trough stretching 315 km in an east-wes ... more

Iran To Launch 3 Satellites in 6 Months
Moscow (RIA Novosti) Oct 16, 2013 - Iran plans to launch three domestically designed satellites in six months, a high-ranking Iranian aerospace official told the country's English-language Press TV on Thursday.  Deputy head of Iran Space Agency (ISA), Hamid Fazeli, said that three satellites - Tadbir, Nahid and Sharif Sat - will be delivered to orbit before the current Iranian calendar year ends on March 20, 2014.  Fazel ... more

Comet ISON Details Emerge as it Races Toward the Sun
Tucson AX (SPX) Oct 16, 2013 - Scientists are unraveling more information on Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON) as it continues on its journey toward the Sun. Comet C/ISON will skim 730,000 miles above the Sun's surface on Nov. 28 and has the potential to be readily visible from Earth starting in early December.  "We measured the rotational pole of the nucleus. The pole indicates that only one side of the comet is being heated by th ... more

Telescopes Large and Small Team Up to Study Triple Asteroid 87 Sylvia
San Francisco CA (SPX) Oct 16, 2013 - Combining observations from the world's largest telescopes with small telescopes used by amateur astronomers, a team of astronomers discovered that the large main-belt asteroid (87) Sylvia has a complex interior, probably linked to the way the multiple system was formed. The findings are being revealed at the 45^th annual Division of Planetary Sciences meeting in Denver, Colorado.  This wor ... more

Turn key solar systems for domestic and commercial installations
Turn key solar systems for domestic and commercial installations

Water discovered in remnants of extrasolar rocky world orbiting white dwarf
Warwick UK (SPX) Oct 16, 2013 - Astrophysicists have found the first evidence of a water-rich rocky planetary body outside our solar system in its shattered remains orbiting a white dwarf.  A new study by scientists at the Universities of Warwick and Cambridge published in the journal Science analysed the dust and debris surrounding the white dwarf star GD61 170 light years away.  Using observations obtained with the ... more

Astrium Enhances TerraSAR-X Resolution and Coverage Capabilities
Houston TX (SPX) Oct 16, 2013 - Astrium, Europe's leading space technology company, has launched two new TerraSAR-X imaging modes. The enhanced imaging capabilities facilitate the delivery of higher resolution imagery as well as the coverage of larger areas.  The new Staring SpotLight mode features a resolution of down to 25 cm - unrivalled by any other commercial SAR system. This unprecedented resolution combined with an ... more

French seek lock on Persian Gulf satellite deals
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (UPI) Oct 14, 2013 -  The French government, fresh from securing a $913 million deal with the United Arab Emirates for two military satellites, is pushing hard to sell a military system to Saudi Arabia.   The French are driving to corner a strategic foothold for satellite business with Arab monarchies in the Persian Gulf as they square off against Iran.   "To win these contracts and secure the future of i ... more

Onward and upward as China marks 10 years of manned spaceflight
Beijing (AFP) Oct 14, 2013 -  China marks 10 years since it first sent a human into space Tuesday, with its ambitious programme rocketing ahead while rival NASA is largely closed due to the US government shutdown.  Yang Liwei orbited the Earth 14 times during his 21-hour flight aboard the Shenzhou 5 in 2003, blazing a trail into the cosmos for China.  More than 40 years after Yuri Gagarin's groundbreaking journey, the  ... more

Diamonds may be raining down on Jupiter, Saturn
Madison, Wis. (UPI) Oct 14, 2013 -  Diamonds, big enough to grace a necklace or bracelet, may be raining down in the atmospheres of Saturn and Jupiter, U.S. scientists say.   Carbon in its dazzling crystal form may be abundant on the solar system's two largest planets, researchers told the annual meeting of the Division for Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society in Denver last week.   The diamond creat ... more


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Spaceport Colorado and S3 Sign Memorandum of Understanding
Denver CO (SPX) Oct 15, 2013 - Spaceport Colorado has announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with S3, an aerospace company that designs and engineers suborbital launch systems, formalizing a collaborative relationship and advancing the spaceport's long-term development and licensing plans.  S3 is a Swiss-headquartered company now developing its presence in the United States to serve the North Americ ... more

Cosmic impact creates Sahara diamond field
Moscow (Voice of Russia) Oct 15, 2013 - In the upcoming issue of 'Earth and Planetary Science Letters', South African scientists are to present new evidence of a major impact event which took place some 28mln years ago in what is now Egyptian Sahara.  The jewelry found on the mummy of King Tut contains small pieces of a yellowish material resembling glass. Little stones of this kind have been found in Sahara for millennia - mainl ... more

Blurring the lines between stars and planets
Heidelberg, Germany (SPX) Oct 15, 2013 - Astronomers including Niall Deacon of the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy (MPIA) captured an image of an unusual free-floating planet. As the object has no host star, it can be observed and examined much easier than planets orbiting stars, promising insight into the details of planetary atmospheres.  Can an object with as low a mass as this have formed directly, in the same way that star ... more

European satellites included in test of search-and-rescue system
Paris (UPI) Oct 8, 2013 -  A pair of dedicated ground stations at opposite ends of Europe will let satellites participate in global testing of a search-and-rescue system, scientists say.   The completion of the Maspalomas station at the southern end of the largest island of the Canary Islands, linked with the Svalbard site on Spitsbergen in the Norwegian arctic, has enabled Europe's Galileo global positioning syste ... more

'Ship in a bottle' detects dangerous vapors
Houston TX (SPX) Oct 15, 2013 - Rice University scientists took a lesson from craftsmen of old to assemble microscopic compounds that warn of the presence of dangerous fumes from solvents. The researchers combined a common mineral, zeolite, with a metallic compound based on rhenium to make an "artificial nose" that can sniff out solvent gases.  They found that in the presence of the compound, each gas had a photoluminesce ... more

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