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Tuesday, October 1, 2013 - UFO? Star cluster? No, it's Falcon 9's jettisoned fuel; Cassini finds ingredient of household plastic on Saturn moon; Paradigm shift: Need something in space? Print it, don't ship it; Martian chemical complicates hunt for life's clues; Ancient soils reveal clues to early life on Earth - Oct 01, 2013

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Space News from
September 30, 2013
UFO? Star cluster? No, it's Falcon 9's jettisoned fuel
Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif. (UPI) Sep 30, 2013 - The Falcon 9 launch from California not only boosted the cache of commercial spaceflight but also of UFO sightings, a review of observers' comments indicated. Reports of an unidentified flying object flowed in from observers in southern Africa and several islands in the Indian Ocean, NBC News reported Monday. The sightings began about an hour after the SpaceX's Falcon 9 v1.1 rock ... more

Cassini finds ingredient of household plastic on Saturn moon
Pasadena, Calif. (UPI) Sep 30, 2013 - The Cassini spacecraft has detected propylene, an ingredient in household plastics, on Saturn's moon, Titan, the U.S. space said Monday. The detection of the chemical used to make food-storage containers, car bumpers and other products is the first discovery of the plastic ingredient on any moon or planet other than Earth, NASA said in a release. Cassini's Composite Infrared Spec ... more

Paradigm shift: Need something in space? Print it, don't ship it
Mountain View, Calif. (UPI) Sep 30, 2013 - The first 3D printer will launch into space in 2014 aboard commercial spaceflight provider SpaceX's Dragon capsule, the California-based printer provider said. Mike Chen, Made in Space co-founder and chief strategy officer, said the 3D printer sent in space will be part of a largely proof-of-concept flight in which astronauts use the device to demonstrate its functionality in the capsul ... more

Martian chemical complicates hunt for life's clues
Washington DC (SPX) Oct 01, 2013 - The quest for evidence of life on Mars could be more difficult than scientists previously thought. A scientific paper published today details the investigation of a chemical in the Martian soil that interferes with the techniques used by the Curiosity rover to test for traces of life. The chemical causes the evidence to burn away during the tests. In search of clues to life's presence on M ... more

Scientists find a martian igneous rock that is surprisingly Earth-like
Pasadena CA (JPL) Oct 01, 2013 - During the nearly 14 months that it has spent on the red planet, Curiosity, the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) rover, has scooped soil, drilled rocks, and analyzed samples by exposing them to laser beams, X-rays, and alpha particles using the most sophisticated suite of scientific instruments ever deployed on another planet. One result of this effort was evidence reported last March that ancient ... more

US Navy History of Human Spaceflight Conference

Researchers describe unusual Mars rock
Corvallis OR (SPX) Oct 01, 2013 - The first rock that scientists analyzed on Mars with a pair of chemical instruments aboard the Curiosity rover turned out to be a doozy - a pyramid-shaped volcanic rock called a "mugearite" that is unlike any other Martian igneous rock ever found. Dubbed "Jake_M" - after Jet Propulsion Laboratory engineer Jake Matijevic - the rock is similar to mugearites found on Earth, typically on ocean ... more

ILS Proton Successfully Launches ASTRA 2E for SES
Baikonur, Kazakhstan (SPX) Sep 30, 2013 - International Launch Services (ILS), a leader in providing mission integration and launch services to the global commercial satellite industry, successfully placed the ASTRA 2E satellite into a geosynchronous transfer orbit (GTO) today for SES of Luxembourg. SES is a world-leading satellite operator, providing satellite communications solutions to broadcast, telecom, corporate and governme ... more

Water for future Mars astronauts
Los Alamos NM (SPX) Oct 01, 2013 - Within its first three months on Mars, NASA's Curiosity Rover saw a surprising diversity of soils and sediments along a half-kilometer route that tell a complex story about the gradual desiccation of the Red Planet. Perhaps most notable among findings from the ChemCam team is that all of the dust and fine soil contains small amounts of water. "We made this discovery literally with the very ... more

NASA Mars rover Curiosity finds water in first sample of planet surface
Troy NY (SPX) Oct 01, 2013 - The first scoop of soil analyzed by the analytical suite in the belly of NASA's Curiosity rover reveals that fine materials on the surface of the planet contain several percent water by weight. The results were published today in Science as one article in a five-paper special section on the Curiosity mission. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Dean of Science Laurie Leshin is the study's lead auth ... more

Trident II D5 Missile Achieves a Total of 148 Successful Test Flights Since 1989
Sunnyvale CA (SPX) Sep 27, 2013 - The U.S. Navy has conducted four successful test flights of the Trident II D5 Fleet Ballistic Missiles built by Lockheed Martin. The U.S. Navy launched the unarmed missiles Sept. 10 and 12 in the Atlantic Ocean from a submerged Ohio-class submarine home-ported at Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay, Georgia. This event marked the 145th, 146th, 147th and 148th successful test flights of the D5 m ... more

Space Situational Awareness Conference 2013

Ancient soils reveal clues to early life on Earth
Vancouver, Canada (SPX) Sep 30, 2013 - Oxygen appeared in the atmosphere up to 700 million years earlier than we previously thought, according to research published today in the journal Nature, raising new questions about the evolution of early life. Researchers from the University of Copenhagen and University of British Columbia examined the chemical composition of three-billion-year-old soils from South Africa - the oldest so ... more

Breathing underwater: Evidence of microscopic life in oceanic crust
East Boothbay, ME (SPX) Sep 30, 2013 - Although long thought to be devoid of life, the bottom of the deep ocean is now known to harbor entire ecosystems teeming with microbes. Scientists have recently documented that oxygen is disappearing from seawater circulating through deep oceanic crust, a significant first step in understanding the way life in the "deep biosphere" beneath the sea floor is able to survive and thrive. The n ... more

Turkey picks Chinese firm for missile system
Ankara (AFP) Sept 26, 2013 - Turkey said on Thursday it has chosen a Chinese company to build its first long-range air defence and anti-missile system. China Precision Machinery Export-Import Corp (CPMIEC) beat competition from a US partnership of Raytheon and Lockheed Martin, Russia's Rosoboronexport, and the Italian-French consortium Eurosamrs in the tender, worth $4 billion according to Turkish media. Turkey has ... more

Unmanned cargo ship docks with orbiting Space Station
Washington (AFP) Sept 29, 2013 - An unmanned cargo ship successfully berthed with the orbiting International Space Station on Sunday following a one-week delay due to a technical glitch, NASA said. ISS astronauts "successfully captured the Orbital Sciences Cygnus cargo spacecraft with the station's robotic arm" at 1100 GMT, NASA said. "Following its capture, the spacecraft is being maneuvered by Luca Parmitano of the Eu ... more

Divers recover 10 1/2-pound meteorite fragment from lake in Urals
Moscow (UPI) Sep 27, 2013 - Divers have raised what is believed to be the largest rock found so far from a meteorite that exploded over Russia in February, Russian officials said Friday. A spokesman for the town of Chebarkul, near the Urals lake where the 10 1/2-pound rock was retrieved, said the rock is "the largest [piece] found so far" of the meteorite that broke up over the Chelyabinsk Region, RIA Novosti repo ... more


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Stanford scientists publish theory, formula to improve 'plastic' semiconductors
Stanford CA (SPX) Sep 25, 2013 - Anyone who's stuffed a smart phone in their back pocket would appreciate the convenience of electronic devices that could bend. Flexible electronics could spawn new products: clothing wired to cool or heat, reading tablets that could fold like newspaper, and so on. Alas, electronic components such as chips, displays and wires are generally made from metals and inorganic semiconductors - m ... more

Astronauts Practice Launching in NASA's New Orion Spacecraft
Houston TX (SPX) Sep 30, 2013 - NASA astronauts recently experienced what it will be like to launch into space aboard the new Orion spacecraft during the first ascent simulations since the space shuttles and their simulators were retired. Ascent simulations are precise rehearsals of the steps a spacecraft's crew will be responsible for - including things that could go wrong - during their climb into space. They can be ge ... more

NASA Wants Investigations for a Mars 2020 Rover
Washington DC (SPX) Sep 30, 2013 - NASA has released its announcement of an open competition for the planetary community to submit proposals for the science and exploration technology instruments that would be carried aboard the agency's next Mars rover, scheduled for launch in July/August of 2020. The Mars 2020 rover will explore and assess Mars as a potential habitat for life, search for signs of past life, collect carefu ... more

NASA Rover Inspects Pebbly Rocks at Martian Waypoint
Pasadena CA (JPL) Sep 30, 2013 - NASA's Mars rover Curiosity has resumed a trek of many months toward its mountain-slope destination, Mount Sharp. The rover used instruments on its arm last week to inspect rocks at its first waypoint along the route inside Gale Crater. The location, originally chosen on the basis of images taken from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, paid off with investigation of targets that bear evid ... more

Science Benefits From Diverse Landing Area Of NASA Mars Rover
Pasadena CA (JPL) Sep 30, 2013 - NASA's Curiosity rover is revealing a great deal about Mars, from long-ago processes in its interior to the current interaction between the Martian surface and atmosphere. Examination of loose rocks, sand and dust has provided new understanding of the local and global processes on Mars. Analysis of observations and measurements by the rover's science instruments during the first four month ... more

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