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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

SpaceWar Express - Oct 16, 2013

Subsystems for CubeSats, SmallSats and MicroSats

Military Space News, Nuclear Weapons, Missile Defense
October   16, 2013
'Secret' Japan-China talks held over island row: reports
Tokyo (AFP) Oct 15, 2013 - A senior Chinese government official has secretly visited Japan for talks with Japanese officials aimed at improving bilateral relations damaged by an ongoing territorial row, reports said Tuesday.  The talks involving a high-ranking official from the Chinese foreign ministry's Asian division were thought to have been held in early October, Japanese news agency Jiji Press reported from Beijin ... more

In Israel, lingering bitterness over a failed fighter project
Tel Aviv, Israel (UPI) Oct 15, 2013 - The U.S. decision to award Israel's Elbit Systems the contract to co-produce the flight helmet for Lockheed Martin's advanced F-35 stealth fighter illustrates the close links between the U.S. and Israeli defense sectors.   Israel's buying 20 of the fifth-generation jets and eventually wants as many as 75. State-owned Israel Military Industries is already manufacturing components for the F ... more

No chemical sites under our control: Syria opposition
Beirut (AFP) Oct 15, 2013 - None of Syria's chemical weapons sites are under rebel control, the key opposition National Coalition said on Tuesday.  The assertion came after the head of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons said one abandoned site was in a rebel-held area and that inspectors from a UN-OPCW team were hoping to visit it.  In a statement, the Syrian National Coalition opposition groupi ... more

Bomb targeting Eid worshippers kills 12 in Iraq
Kirkuk, Iraq (AFP) Oct 15, 2013 - A bomb ripped through a crowd of worshippers as they left a Sunni mosque in Iraq Tuesday, killing 12 people, as they marked the start of the Eid al-Adha holiday.  Three children, a policeman and an army officer were among the dead from the blast in the northern city of Kirkuk, which also wounded 26 people, police and a doctor said.  Bodies, their clothes covered in blood, were placed in th ... more

Israel warns against nuclear compromise with Iran
Jerusalem (AFP) Oct 15, 2013 - Israel urged the world to avoid a partial deal with Iran which could see a relaxing of sanctions, as a new round of nuclear talks was launched Tuesday in Geneva.  The security cabinet warned the international community against any "partial agreement that would fail to bring about the full dismantling of the Iranian military nuclear programme...(which) could lead to the collapse of the sanctio ... more

Space Situational Awareness Conference 2013

US soldier honored after long dispute over Afghan battle
Washington (AFP) Oct 15, 2013 - President Barack Obama honored a former US Army captain on Tuesday after a long dispute that saw the soldier's nomination for the Medal of Honor stalled for years.  Captain William Swenson, 34, received America's highest military decoration at an emotional White House ceremony that follows a protracted argument over what happened in a ferocious battle four years ago in eastern Afghanistan.  ... more

Commentary: Geopolitical amnesia
Washington (UPI) Oct 15, 2013 - As the White House and Congress flirt with irrelevancy, anger is building throughout the country over what appears to be a dysfunctional government and defective sinews.   Abroad, the U.S. president felt compelled to cancel two Asian summits. A new Chinese president and Russia's long-serving president took center stage and the United States was conspicuous by President Barack Obama's abse ... more

Russian defense minister due in Brazil for talks
Brasilia, Brazil (AFP) Oct 15, 2013 - Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu will meet with Brazilian officials Wednesday following Brasilia's decision to buy surface-to-air missile batteries from Moscow, the two sides said Tuesday.  The visit, a day after Shoigu was to hold top level meetings in nearby Peru, comes as Moscow has raised its profile throughout Latin America in recent years with strengthened military and trade ties. ... more

Iran wins 'good reaction' to nuclear proposal
Geneva (AFP) Oct 15, 2013 - Iran said its hotly awaited proposal to break the deadlock with world powers over its nuclear drive was well received Tuesday, in fresh talks seen as a key test for new President Hassan Rouhani.  The hour-long PowerPoint presentation by Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and his team was for the first time delivered in English, Western officials said, underlining a new mood in the often-te ... more

Outside View: Mosques -- Smiling dens of iniquity?
Herndon, Va. (UPI) Oct 15, 2013 - It is ironically appropriate to apply an old biblical term "den of iniquity" to mosques as the New York City Police Department has been doing for some Islamic centers there.   Originally meaning "a thieves' lair," today the term suggests a center of criminal activity.   A classified NYPD report, written in 2009 but only recently revealed, indicates such dens exist in the city. NYPD h ... more

Turn key solar systems for domestic and commercial installations
Turn key solar systems for domestic and commercial installations

'Thousands' of N. Korea cyber attacks on South: ministry data
Seoul (AFP) Oct 15, 2013 - North Korea has staged thousands of cyber attacks against the South in recent years, causing financial losses of around $805 million, a Seoul lawmaker said Tuesday citing government data.  "A lot of data related to our national infrastructure, including chemical storage facilities and information relating to personal financial dealings have been stolen," ruling party MP Chung Hee-Soo said.  ... more

War-related deaths near 500,000 in Iraq: study
Washington (AFP) Oct 15, 2013 - Nearly half a million people have died from war-related causes in Iraq since the US-led invasion in 2003, according to an academic study published in the United States on Tuesday.  That toll is far higher than the nearly 115,000 violent civilian deaths reported by the British-based group Iraq Body Count, which bases its tally on media reports, hospital and morgue records, and official and non ... more

Japan PM hints at amending pacifist constitution
Tokyo (AFP) Oct 15, 2013 - Japan's prime minister hinted Tuesday he was moving towards amending the country's pacifist constitution at the opening of a new parliamentary session expected to focus largely on the economy.  Shinzo Abe spent much of his speech putting a little flesh on the bones of policies that have powered Japan's long-slumbering economy to enviable growth rates.  But in a short section towards the en ... more

End of an era at US Space Command
Peterson AFB CO (SPX) Oct 15, 2013 - The 21st Space Wing closed the Air Force Space Surveillance System due to resource constraints caused by sequestration, marking the end of its 52 years of service to the Space Situational Awareness mission, Oct. 1.  The Air Force Space Surveillance System was designed to transmit a "fence" of radar energy vertically into space to detect all objects passing through that fence. It operated fr ... more

Russia Appoints New Space Chief
Moscow (RIA Novosti) Oct 15, 2013 - Former Deputy Defense Minister Oleg Ostapenko will head up Russia's Federal Space Agency, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said Thursday. The move comes as part of a major reshuffle of the country's troubled space industry.  During a meeting with Ostapenko Thursday, Medvedev said he hoped that, as head of the Federal Space Agency Roscosmos, Ostapenko will help streamline the country's space p ... more


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US Navy Next Gen Air And Missile Defense Radar Contract Awarded
Tewksbury MA (SPX) Oct 15, 2013 - Raytheon has been awarded a $385,742,176 cost-plus-incentive-fee contract for the engineering and modeling development phase design, development, integration, test and delivery of Air and Missile Defense S-Band Radar (AMDR-S) and Radar Suite Controller (RSC).  AMDR is the Navy's next generation integrated air and missile defense radar and is being designed for Flight III Arleigh Burke (DDG  ... more

US senators to ice new sanctions if Iran ends enrichment
Washington (AFP) Oct 14, 2013 -  US senators have vowed to stay the implementation of new Iran sanctions if Tehran takes verifiable steps such as immediately halting uranium enrichment, ahead of a new round of talks on its suspect nuclear program.  In a letter sent to President Barack Obama last week, a group of leading Democratic and Republican senators said they would be prepared to match Iran's actions and hold off threat ... more

UN frets over Syria deadlines as treaty takes effect
United Nations, United States (AFP) Oct 14, 2013 -  The United Nations said Monday "the race is on" to make sure Syria keeps to deadlines to destroy its chemical weapons as a key treaty took effect for Damascus.   The Chemical Weapons Convention came into force for Syria on Monday.  That is one month after the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) accepted President Bashar al-Assad application, submitted in a bid to he ... more

Syrians find safety for Eid al-Adha holiday in Iraq
Kawergosk , Iraq (AFP) Oct 14, 2013 -  Shaqlawa Mohammed Rashid sits at the entrance of a white tent in a refugee camp in northern Iraq, reflecting on what will be her first Eid al-Adha holiday outside Syria.  The 16-year-old girl smiles at her mother Barshan, who sits next to her on a dusty carpet with a cloth covering half her face to shield it from the sun and dust, and whispers comfortingly: "Our situation here is temporary."  ... more

West Bank killings heighten fears of new intifada
Ramallah, West Bank (UPI) Oct 14, 2013 -  With three Israelis killed in the West Bank in as many weeks and new clashes between Palestinian protesters and Israeli police at Jerusalem's flashpoint holy sites there are growing concerns that another Palestinian intifada is brewing.   The dwindling prospects of a U.S.-brokered peace agreement amid the ever-expanding Jewish settlements in the West Bank, occupied by the Israelis since J ... more

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