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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

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Top Tech News, PC Tech News, Mobile Tech News, Tips And Tricks

5 Essential Tips for SMEs Growth

Posted: 09 Oct 2013 10:56 PM PDT

5 Essential Tips for SMEs Growth

5 Essential Tips for SMEs Growth

SMEs in Nigeria are faced with multiple challenges which include inadequate infrastructure, poor business management skills, finance, and unavailability of skilled human resources among others.

Proffering solutions to these challenges may not entirely lie within the powers of the SMEs. Government policies have a huge role to play.

There is however a lot more that can be done to break even in a challenges-laden economy as ours.
Online marketing is one area where small businesses can compete against larger companies within the same field.

While the size of a budget does influence the amount of money that can be directed towards marketing costs, on the Internet, it is an equal stage for every business.

Small and Medium Businesses are rarely concerned about their brand and what they crave for is quick ROI. How much sales or customers they got at the end of the day.

So here are the 5 tips that SMEs must do to grow their businesses:

1.       List your Business with an Online Directory.
According to SMEDAN, there are about 17 Million Micro, Small and Medium scale businesses in Nigeria. The most important question is how many of these businesses enjoy online visibility?

The first step for any SMEs is to register their business with an online directory or local search engine like So far more than 700,000 businesses are currently listed with them.

What will SMEs gain for getting online listing?

There are plenty benefits.
         i.            By listing your business, you can make your business visible globally
1. You can manage your business profile which includes products, services and the brands you deal on.
2. You can interact with your users who review your business.

2.       Make Your Business visible via Priority Listing and Display Advert Banners
Merely registering business isn't the end of your job. Say you open new salon shop, you don't expect customers to start coming without any efforts from you. You will do basic things such as printing call cards, fliers and word of mouth marketing.

Similarly for online business directories; millions of people make different searches; so wouldn't you want your business to appear tops if someone searches for a salon in your area? That is called priority listing.

A business gets priority listing on VConnect website when they enjoy premium visibility. They appear tops when any search is done in their category. This makes people find them more easily and they enjoy huge footfall and traffic.

SMEs should promote their businesses via display advert to create better online visibility therefore generates more prospects.

3.       Don't go for Bulk SMS – Promote Business through Targeted SMS
There is a popular myth among business owners is:  They think that by sending bulk SMSs, a business will get lot of customers. By doing so, business owners not only waste their hard earned money but also their time and energy.

If you are a restaurant owner in Ikeja, and your bulk SMS get to people who live in Lekki, Epe and other areas, there is a negligible chance that these people would visit your restaurant.

The fact is that every business owner knows who their prospect customers are, through age, Gender, location classification. So why send a randomized SMS when you can reach out to only the people who need your product or services?

With targeted SMS, you will not only reach the right people, there is high chance of getting new ones too.

4.      Website Design & Optimization
A whole lot more information about a business can be contained in a functional website. VConnect also designs and host websites for SMEs. By optimizing your website, your business appears as tops in the search result when a related search is made Google, Yahoo or Bing. This translates to lots of page views to your site and ultimately more enquirers and customer conversion.

5.      Create Offer and Promote it Online
An SME can create Offers and promote them online for short period of time to create lot of buzz among your customers and new prospects.

How can SMEs do this? It is about thinking outside of the box. For example a business owner who rents out event center at the rate of ₦ 100,000 / day may decide to place an offer online, giving a discount of 30% off, for a period of time.

This automatically creates a buzz and patronage increases as lots of people will jostle to enjoy the offer.  This causes a ripple effect such that there is a continual customer loyalty even after the expiration of the offer period.

This is a guest post compiled by ONYEKA Ikechukwu Austine a social media strategist for

Etisalat Latest Free Browsing Tweak For Android

Posted: 09 Oct 2013 02:55 AM PDT

Etisalat Latest Free Browsing Tweak For Android

Etisalat Latest Free Browsing Tweak For Android

Hello readers,

Many of us have sworn to browse the internet either very cheap or absolutely free. No dulling on my side as I seriously need to be online everyday.

No matter how we try in getting free browsing tweaks on various networks, the networks just tend to shut us down. Will I blame them? When people see free browsing tricks, that is when they remember that they have Naruto seasons to download, Newest Hollywood movies to get, mass of Mp3 tracks they have been waiting

I am in that category though. Well, after MTN had some faults with its servers, we didn't waste any time in putting in good use the loop hole but it stopped working anymore.

Airtel has provided cheap means by which you can browse the internet but I bring to you one newly discovered way of browsing on your Android for free using Etisalat.

Requirements For Using This Etisalat Latest Tweak

1. You must have an android device
2. You must obviously have an Etisalat sim
3. You must have downloaded any Opera mini Handler

How To Configure My Etisalat Sim To Browse Free On Android

Input the following settings into your Opera mini Handler


PORT=> 80

APN=> etisalat

Username=> etisalat

Password=> etisalat

Goto Opera7.0,7.1handler

Front Query=>

Proxy Server type

Choose Real Host=> 0.facebook.

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