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Monday, December 30, 2013

RAMP Winter 2013 Newsletter

Winter 2013

The RAMP Newsletter

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Welcome to the inaugural edition of the RAMP newsletter. Being a video company, it only natural we would chose video as a delivery platform to inform you on the latest news and events going on at our offices.

We wanted to kick things off with a reflection on 2013 and a look forward to 2014. In the video, you will hear from our CEO, Tom Wilde, on our 2013 growth and he will give a sneak peak into 2014. You'll also get info on product enhancements, and releases from Joe Lichtman, our VP of Product, Brian Prigge, our SharePoint Architect, and Josh Berkowitz our Product Manager.

Enterprise Video Survey Results

We wanted to learn more about the role of video in enterprises today and how the future of video for enterprise communication is perceived, so we undertook a survey to get a closer look. Find out what we learned.

Download the eBook

Upcoming Events

Jan 7th - 10th CES (Consumer Electronics Show)

Feb 19th Partner webinar - Filter

Feb 20th Silicon Valley SharePoint Users Group (SV-SPUG)

March 3rd - 6th SharePoint Conference 2014

March 12th Boston Area SharePoint Users Group

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