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Saturday, December 28, 2013

ScienceDaily: Latest Science News

ScienceDaily: Latest Science News

Stroke researchers report improvement in spatial neglect with prism adaptation therapy

Posted: 27 Dec 2013 01:18 PM PST

Stroke rehabilitation researchers report improvement in spatial neglect with prism adaptation therapy. This new study supports behavioral classification of patients with spatial neglect as a valuable tool for assigning targeted, effective early rehabilitation with prism adaptation.

Building a better malaria vaccine: Mixing the right cocktail

Posted: 27 Dec 2013 07:04 AM PST

A safe and effective malaria vaccine is high on the wish list of most people concerned with global health. New results suggest how a leading vaccine candidate could be vastly improved.

Antioxidant drug knocks down multiple sclerosis-like disease in mice

Posted: 26 Dec 2013 03:17 PM PST

Researchers have discovered that an antioxidant designed more than a dozen years ago to fight damage within human cells significantly helps symptoms in mice that have a multiple sclerosis-like disease.

What does compassion sound like?

Posted: 26 Dec 2013 08:53 AM PST

"Good to see you. I'm sorry. It sounds like you've had a tough, tough, week." Spoken by a doctor to a cancer patient, that statement is an example of compassionate behavior observed by a research team in a new study published.

Children at lower risk for peanut, tree nut allergies if moms ate more nuts while pregnant, study suggests

Posted: 23 Dec 2013 03:18 PM PST

Women need not fear that eating peanuts during pregnancy could cause their child to develop a peanut allergy, according to a new study. The studies shows increased peanut consumption by pregnant mothers who weren't nut allergic was associated with lower risk of peanut allergy in their offspring.

Common disorders: It's not the genes themselves, but how they are controlled

Posted: 20 Dec 2013 08:32 AM PST

Many rare disorders are caused by gene mutation. Yet until now, the underlying genetic cause of more common conditions has evaded scientists. New research finds that six common diseases arise from DNA changes located outside genes. The study shows that multiple DNA changes, or variants, work in concert to affect genes, leading to autoimmune diseases.

Amino acid's increase suspected in diabetes

Posted: 19 Dec 2013 05:00 PM PST

Scientists conducted research that suggests the amino acid tyrosine has a direct effect in diabetes.

Biologists find clues to a parasite's inconsistency

Posted: 19 Dec 2013 05:00 PM PST

Researchers find that certain strains of Toxoplasma provoke inflammation that can damage host cells, while others are harmless.

Protein links liver cancer with obesity, alcoholism, hepatitis

Posted: 19 Dec 2013 04:59 PM PST

A new study identifies an unexpected molecular link between liver cancer, cellular stress, and risk factors for developing this cancer – obesity, alcoholism, and viral hepatitis.

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