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Friday, January 24, 2014

Google faces $125 million damages claim after losing Android patent lawsuit

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01.24.2014  View in a Browser

Google faces $125 million damages claim after losing Android patent lawsuit

01.22.2014 4:43 AM

A jury found Google guilty of infringing but could not agree on damages, which will be determined in a second jury trial

Three-year, 27,000 drive study reveals the most reliable hard drive makers

01.21.2014 9:24 AM

Who makes the most reliable hard drives? Backblaze's vast server farms may hold the answer.


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mechanicalkeyboards primary

Click this: All about mechanical keyboards and why you need one

01.21.2014 3:00 AM

Stop using that freebie you got with your PC and start typing on a real keyboard. Here's how to find the best one for you.

Google Glass

Google Glass user questioned by Homeland Security in Ohio theater for suspected piracy

01.22.2014 3:41 AM

The person was allowed to go after it was found that he was not using Google Glass to record the movie

Malware virus

Six more US retailers attacked like Target, security firm says

01.18.2014 3:52 AM

IntelCrawler also identified a 17-year-old Russian who it says wrote the BlackPOS malware, a version of which was used against Target

bay trail tablets

How Intel is buying, building a piece of the tablet market

01.18.2014 9:06 AM

Intel is pushing into the mobile market by cutting deals with tablet developers to use its chips.

hp windows 7 popular demand

Ouch: HP brings Windows 7 'back by popular demand'

01.20.2014 8:22 AM

What's old is new again on a handful of HP desktops and laptops.

Machinima Primary

Microsoft paying YouTube personalities for positive Xbox One endorsements

01.20.2014 12:15 PM

The console wars heat up with a bit of friendly astroturfing: Microsoft secretly paid for YouTube games platform Machinima to produce positive Xbox One content.

Metro apps infiltrate the desktop in leaked Windows 8.1 Update 1 images

01.22.2014 6:10 AM

Images from a prolific Windows leaker show Metro apps pinned to the desktop taskbar.

LTE Advanced

FAQ: How is LTE-Advanced different from regular LTE?

01.21.2014 3:00 AM

LTE-Advanced will be coming in a big way soon. What does that mean for you?


Target credit card data was sent to server in Russia

01.17.2014 5:35 AM

The data was quietly moved around on Target's network before it was sent to a US server, then to Russia.

steammachinesdissapointing primary

Alienware's sleek, sexy Steam Machine will be impossible to upgrade or customize

01.21.2014 11:08 AM

Is a man not entitled to upgrade his PC whenever? No! says the man at Alienware.

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