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Saturday, January 4, 2014

MarsDaily Reports - Mars One selects 1,058 hopefuls among 200,000 applicants - Jan 04, 2013

The Year In Space

24/7 News Coverage
January 04, 2014
Potential Martians: Mars One selects 1,058 hopefuls among 200,000 applicants
Moscow (Voice of Russia) Jan 01, 2014 - The Mars One project has announced the selection of 1,058 hopefuls from over 200,000 applicants to become potential "human ambassadors" on the Red Planet. Eventually, no more than 40 people will be selected to go Mars to never return. "We're extremely appreciative and impressed with the sheer number of people who submitted their applications," Mars One Co-Founder and CEO Bas Lansdorp said, ... more

More than 1,000 chosen for one-way Mars reality-TV mission
The Hague (AFP) Jan 02, 2014 - More than 1,000 candidates - from 200,000 hopefuls - have been chosen to train for a private Mars colonisation mission to be partly funded by a reality-TV show following their training and subsequent steps, organisers said Thursday. They are to be whittled down to just 24, who will be sent over six launches starting in 2024, according to Mars One, the Dutch-based non-profit group behind th ... more

'Mars One' will reveal if there is life outside Earth
Moscow (Voice of Russia) Dec 31, 2013 - Mars One is a non-profit organization that plans to establish a permanent human colony on Mars by 2025. The private spaceflight project is led by Dutch entrepreneur Bas Lansdorp, who announced plans for the Mars One mission in May 2012, who revealed the details of the mission in an exclusive interview with the Voice of Russia. b>Mr. Lansdorp, how did the idea of Mars One project come to y ... more

Mars One mission: big work ahead
Moscow (Voice of Russia) Dec 31, 2013 - Around 200,000 people have applied for a one-way mission to Mars, though it's still pretty unclear if and when the ambitious project to colonize the "red planet" is going to take place. Some believe that it may happen in the 2020s. Determined to forge ahead with its plans whatever the financial or technical challenges, the company behind the Mars One project first intends to send an unmann ... more

Curious Results from Mars
Pasadena CA (JPL) Dec 27, 2013 - NASA's Curiosity rover touched down on Mars with dramatic style in August, 2012. Now that the rover has spent more than a year exploring the martian surface, scientific data from the mission is starting to make its way into journals and popular news here on Earth. In fact, there is so much data coming back from the rover that it is sometimes hard to understand what all of the different fin ... more

Subsystems for CubeSats, SmallSats and MicroSats

Dwarf Planet Ceres - 'A Game Changer in the Solar System'
Moffett Field CA (SPX) Dec 26, 2013 - In March of 2015, NASA's Dawn mission will arrive at the dwarf planet Ceres, the first of the smaller class of planets to be discovered and the closest to Earth. Ceres, which orbits the Sun in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, is a unique body in the Solar System, bearing many similarities to Jupiter's moon Europa and Saturn's moon Enceladus, both considered to be potential sources for ... more

ISRO end year on high note after Mars mission
Chennai, India (IANS) Dec 26, 2013 - The successful launch of India's first inter-planetary Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM), the sending up of India's first navigation satellite midnight, the launch of the Indo-French satellite SARAL, and signing up a couple of satellite launch contracts - all these put Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) in 2013 amongst the select group of space-faring nations on a couple of counts. The yea ... more

Mars rover Curiosity gets software upgrade, improved capabilities
Pasadena, Calif. (UPI) Dec 20, 2013 - NASA says its Mars rover Curiosity has had a technology "tuneup," a software upgrade that will advance the rover's capabilities. "Curiosity is now operating on version 11 of its flight software," Jim Erickson of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., reported Friday. The upgrade is the third since Curiosity's landing on Mars 16 months ago, with the switch from vers ... more

Mars One mission: one way ticket to new life
Moscow (Voice of Russia) Dec 23, 2013 - 200,000 people from 140 countries have applied for a one-way ticket to Mars. The applicants agreed to stay on the Red Planet for the rest of their lives and be filmed for a reality TV program, according to the company behind the mission, Mars One. David Mimoun, an Associate Professor at Institut Superieur de l'Aeronautique et de l'Espace, (French Superior Institute of Aerospace) for the SU ... more

Mars Express heading towards daring flyby of Phobos
Paris (ESA) Dec 25, 2013 - Late this month, ESA's Mars Express will make the closest flyby yet of the Red Planet's largest moon Phobos, skimming past at only 45 km above its surface. The flyby on 29 December will be so close and fast that Mars Express will not be able to take any images, but instead it will yield the most accurate details yet of the moon's gravitational field and, in turn, provide new details of its ... more

International Conference on Protection of Materials and Structures From Space Environment

Curiosity Team Upgrades Software, Checks Wheel Wear
Pasadena CA (JPL) Dec 21, 2013 - The team operating NASA's Mars rover Curiosity has completed a software upgrade on the vehicle and is next planning a check of wear and tear on the rover's wheels. "Curiosity is now operating on version 11 of its flight software," said Jim Erickson of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, project manager for the NASA Mars Science Laboratory Project, which operates Curiosity. This is the ... more

JPL to Test New Supersonic Decelerator Technology
Pasadena CA (JPL) Dec 19, 2013 - A giant crane will tower above NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., shooting out of a hilly mesa like an oversized erector set, ready to help test components of NASA's Low Density Supersonic Decelerator (LDSD) project. The goal of the challenging technology, led by JPL, is to enable a future mission to Mars or other planetary bodies that uses heavier spacecraft and lands t ... more

New Views of Mars from Sediment Mineralogy
Tucson, AZ (SPX) Dec 17, 2013 - The first detailed examination of clay mineralogy in its original setting on Mars is offering new insights on the planet's past habitability, research led by Planetary Science Institute Senior Scientist David T. Vaniman has found. The sedimentary rock samples tested were collected by NASA's Mars Science Laboratory rover Curiosity at Yellowknife Bay in Gale Crater on Mars. The rover's Chemi ... more

Opportunity Communications Remain Slow Due To Odyssey Issues
Pasadena CA (JPL) Dec 17, 2013 - Opportunity is up on 'Solander Point' at the rim of 'Endeavour Crater.' The rover is maintaining favorable northerly tilts for improved energy production. Mars Odyssey went into safe mode and was unable to provide relay support for Opportunity since Sol 3509 (Dec. 7, 2013). The rover was healthy as of that sol. A Direct-To-Earth (DTE) transmission from Opportunity occurred on Sol 351 ... more

NASA poised to launch Mars atmosphere probe
Washington (AFP) Nov 16, 2013 - What happened to the water on Mars? How did the Red Planet's atmosphere become so thin over time? NASA's MAVEN probe is scheduled to launch Monday on a mission to find out. The unmanned spacecraft aims to orbit Mars from a high altitude, studying its atmosphere for clues on how the Sun may have influenced gas to escape from the possibly life-bearing planet billions of years ago. The prob ... more


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Ancient fresh water lake on Mars could have sustained life
London, UK (SPX) Dec 13, 2013 - Scientists have found evidence that there was once an ancient lake on Mars that may have been able to support life, in research published in the journal Science. A team of researchers from NASA's Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Curiosity rover mission, which includes a researcher from Imperial College London, have analysed a set of sedimentary rock outcrops at a site named Yellowknife Bay in Gale ... more

First Rock Dating Experiment Performed on Mars
Pasadena CA (SPX) Dec 13, 2013 - Although researchers have determined the ages of rocks from other planetary bodies, the actual experiments-like analyzing meteorites and moon rocks-have always been done on Earth. Now, for the first time, researchers have successfully determined the age of a Martian rock-with experiments performed on Mars. The work, led by geochemist Ken Farley of the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) ... more

The Tough Task of Finding Fossils While Wearing a Spacesuit
Moffett Field CA (SPX) Dec 13, 2013 - Someday, human explorers might momentously discover fossils on Mars, proving that the Red Planet once supported extraterrestrial life. An interplanetary expedition of this sort will have overcome major obstacles, such as spacecraft design and the rigors of a many-month voyage. Yet a more subtle challenge to this hypothetical mission's success must, too, be addressed: astronauts will have t ... more

NASA Curiosity: First Mars Age Measurement and Human Exploration Help
Pasadena CA (JPL) Dec 13, 2013 - NASA's Curiosity rover is providing vital insight about Mars' past and current environments that will aid plans for future robotic and human missions. In a little more than a year on the Red Planet, the mobile Mars Science Laboratory has determined the age of a Martian rock, found evidence the planet could have sustained microbial life, taken the first readings of radiation on the surface, and s ... more

SSTL selected for first private Mars mission
Guildford, UK (SPX) Dec 13, 2013 - Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd (SSTL) has been selected to carry out a concept study to develop an interplanetary communications system for Mars One, the privately funded project to establish a human settlement on Mars. Sir Martin Sweeting, Executive Chairman of SSTL said: "SSTL believes that the commercialisation of space exploration is vital in order to bring down costs and schedules an ... more

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