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Friday, January 3, 2014

TerraDaily Newsletter - Atlas Mountains buoyed by superhot rock; Longmanshen fault zone still hazardous; Snow Storm Hits US - Jan 02, 2014

The Year In Space

24/7 News Coverage
January 03, 2014
Earthquake lights linked to rift environments, subvertical faults
San Francisco CA (SPX) Jan 03, 2014 - Rare earthquake lights are more likely to occur on or near rift environments, where subvertical faults allow stress-induced electrical currents to flow rapidly to the surface, according to a new study published in the Jan./Feb. issue of Seismological Research Letters. From the early days of seismology, the luminous phenomena associated with some earthquakes have intrigued scholars. Earthqu ... more

Scientists uncover hidden river of rubbish threatening to devastate wildlife
London, UK (SPX) Jan 03, 2014 - Thousands of pieces of plastic have been discovered, submerged along the river bed of the upper Thames Estuary by scientists at Royal Holloway, University of London and the Natural History Museum. The sheer amount of plastic recovered shows there is an unseen stream of rubbish flowing through London which could be a serious threat to aquatic wildlife. The findings, published online in Mari ... more

Atlas Mountains in Morocco are buoyed up by superhot rock
San Diego CA (SPX) Jan 03, 2014 - The Atlas Mountains defy the standard model for mountain structure in which high topography must have deep roots for support, according to a new study from Earth scientists at USC. In a new model, the researchers show that the mountains are floating on a layer of hot molten rock that flows beneath the region's lithosphere, perhaps all the way from the volcanic Canary Islands, just offshore ... more

Pine Island Glacier sensitive to climatic variability
London, UK (SPX) Jan 03, 2014 - A new study published in Science this month suggests the thinning of Pine Island Glacier in West Antarctica is much more susceptible to climatic and ocean variability than at first thought. Observations by a team of scientists at British Antarctic Survey, and other institutions, show large fluctuations in the ocean heat in Pine Island Bay. The team discovered that oceanic melting of the ic ... more

South African Trauma Center Launches Portable Electronic Trauma Health Record Application
Chicago IL (SPX) Jan 03, 2014 - Electronic health records (EHRs) have become standard practice throughout hospitals in North America, but in countries with fewer resources many front-line clinicians are still collecting data on paper, if they are collecting it at all. But now, surgeons from Vancouver, British Columbia, have developed a way for their peers at a Level I trauma center in South Africa to accurately collect a ... more

Subsystems for CubeSats, SmallSats and MicroSats

Local factors cause dramatic spikes in coastal ocean acidity
Durham NC (SPX) Jan 03, 2014 - A new Duke University-led study has documented dramatic, natural short-term increases in the acidity of a North Carolina estuary. "The natural short-term variability in acidity we observed over the course of one year exceeds 100-year global predictions for the ocean as a whole and may already be exerting added pressure on some of the estuary's organisms, particularly shelled organisms that ... more

Longmanshen fault zone still hazardous
San Francisco CA (SPX) Jan 03, 2014 - The 60-kilometer segment of the fault northeast of the 2013 Lushan rupture is the place in the region to watch for the next major earthquake, according to research published in Seismological Research Letters (SRL). Research papers published in this special section of SRL suggest the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake triggered the magnitude 6.6 Lushan quake. Guest edited by Huajian Yao, professor of ... more

Money Talks When Ancient Antioch Meets Google Earth
Cincinnati OH (SPX) Jan 03, 2014 - There's a map of an ancient Syrian trade route that shows how one city's political sway extended farther than once thought. This map isn't a time-worn and mysterious etching on a stone tablet. Turns out it's easily found on a different type of tablet - the kind with apps. With the swipe of a finger, the University of Cincinnati's Kristina Neumann can zoom along the boundaries of ancient An ... more

El Nino tied to melting of Antarctica's Pine Island Glacier
Seattle WA (SPX) Jan 03, 2014 - Pine Island Glacier is one of the biggest routes for ice to flow from Antarctica into the sea. The floating ice shelf at the glacier's tip has been melting and thinning for the past four decades, causing the glacier to speed up and discharge more ice. Understanding this ice shelf is a key for predicting sea-level rise in a warming world. A paper published Jan. 2 in the advance online versi ... more

Turning Off the "Aging Genes"
Tel Aviv, Israel (SPX) Jan 03, 2014 - Computer algorithm developed by TAU researchers identifies genes that could be transformed to stop the aging process. Restricting calorie consumption is one of the few proven ways to combat aging. Though the underlying mechanism is unknown, calorie restriction has been shown to prolong lifespan in yeast, worms, flies, monkeys, and, in some studies, humans. Now Keren Yizhak, a doctoral stud ... more

International Conference on Protection of Materials and Structures From Space Environment

Methane hydrates and global warming
Kiel, Germany (SPX) Jan 03, 2014 - Methane hydrates are fragile. At the sea floor the ice-like solid fuel composed of water and methane is only stable at high pressure and low temperature. In some areas, for instance in the North Atlantic off the coast of Svalbard, scientists have detected gas flares regularly. The reasons for their occurrence were still unclear but one hypothesis was that global warming might cause the dis ... more

Snowstorm bears down on northeastern United States
New York (AFP) Jan 02, 2014 - The northeastern United States prepared Thursday for snow, high winds and frigid temperatures, as a gust of wintry weather bore down on New England and surrounding states, cancelling flights. Temperatures in New York were expected to drop to 10 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 12 degrees Celsius) with a windchill factor of minus nine degrees Fahrenheit, according to national weather forecasts. ... more

Haitian president urges his country to come together
Port-Au-Prince (AFP) Jan 02, 2014 - Haiti's President Michel Martelly urged his fellow citizens Wednesday to come together to rebuild the poverty-stricken country devastated by an earthquake nearly four years ago. "Haiti is very sick. We need to rebuild this country of ours," Martelly said in a televised address marking Independence Day. "But this work is not that of a single president or group. It is the job of all of us, ... more

7,000-year-old footprints give clues to climate of ancient Mexico
Liverpool, England (UPI) Jan 2, 2013 - Dating of the oldest human footprints in North America could yield clues to Mexico's climate 7,000 years ago, researchers from a British university say. Two sets of footprints found in the Chihuahuan desert in northeastern Mexico are the oldest evidence of humans in the area, scientist at the University of Liverpool said. The prints were preserved in sediments known as travertine ... more

15 hurt as powerful cyclone brushes France's Reunion island
Le Port, RĂ©union (AFP) Jan 02, 2014 - A cyclone packing winds of 150 kilometres (93 miles) per hour brushed by the French Indian Ocean island of Reunion Thursday, injuring 15 people, damaging houses and disrupting power supplies. Two of those hurt were in serious condition after falling from a roof and a ladder while trying to secure their homes, local officials said. The other 13 were slightly hurt in similar incidents despite ... more


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Study pinpoints likely site of next big China quake
Washington (AFP) Jan 02, 2014 - It is impossible to predict when the next big earthquake will hit, but researchers said Thursday they have a good idea of where in China such a temblor is likely. The hot zone is a 60-kilometer (37-mile) segment of the Longmenshan fault which divides the Tibetan Plateau from the Sichuan Basin in southwestern China, said the study in the journal Seismological Research Letters. The area is ... more

Fox meat makes an ass of Wal-Mart's China donkey product
Beijing (AFP) Jan 02, 2014 - Global retail giant Wal-Mart Stores has recalled a donkey meat product from some Chinese stores after tests found traces of other animals' DNA, the company said Thursday, after authorities said it contained fox meat. The world's largest retailer will reimburse customers who bought the "Five Spice Donkey Meat" 50 yuan ($8.25), a spokeswoman told AFP. The company would also independently D ... more

Turkish army demands retrial in coup plot cases
Ankara (AFP) Jan 02, 2014 - Turkey's military has demanded a retrial for army officers convicted of plotting to topple the government, claiming the evidence was fabricated, media reports said Thursday. The armed forces lodged a complaint with the Ankara chief prosecutor's office on December 27 about the evidence given in two separate cases, the private NTV television reported. The move comes amid a growing politica ... more

Macau gambling revenue hits record $45 bn in 2013
Hong Kong (AFP) Jan 02, 2014 - Macau's gambling revenue jumped 18.6 percent to a record $45 billion in 2013, official figures showed Thursday, cementing the city's place as the world's largest gaming hub. Gaming revenues rose to 360.75 billion patacas ($45.17 billion) last year from 304.14 billion patacas in 2012, according to government figures. There had been fears of a slowdown as year-on-year growth in 2012 was ju ... more

Earth may be heaver than thought due to invisible belt of dark matter
Arlington, Texas (UPI) Jan 2, 2013 - A study of GPS satellite orbits suggests the Earth is heavier than thought, perhaps due to a halo of dark matter, a U.S. researcher says. Dark matter is thought to make up about 80 per cent of the universe's matter, but scientists have been unable to determine much else about it, including its presence in the solar system. In 2009, researchers at the Institute of Advanced Studies ... more

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