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Saturday, September 28, 2013


GetRight® Screens.

A picture is worth a thousand words. These show the basics about how GetRight loks and works. Normally, GetRght just is running down with your tray icons, waiting to take over any downloads when you click on them i your web browser.
The top icon ere is GetRight's. The lower one shows the older style GetRight icon, for anyone with an older version of GtRight.

Save o Open

When yo do click a file in your browser that GetRigh should download for you, it first pops u a question asking if you want to Open the fil (so it will be automatically saved on yourcomputer and opened when done) or to Sav the file (you can choose where it is saved, an can open it when you wish.) Jst like many other prompts in GetRight, this indow shows a simple checkbox if you wantto skip and not see it again Save or Open Download Window

Save A

If you chose "Save" on the window hown above, it will show a SaveAs window so you can contro where the file is saved on your omputer, the name, etc. If yu choose "Open" in the widow above, it will skip this and g directly to the Downloadin window shown below
You can see a few ofthe extra choices on the bottm half of the window, they giveyou quick access to set thins like where in the ordering to dd the file, to give a comment abut the file, etc.
Save as Window


After pickin where to save the file, the Download window shws. This window shows the status of the downlad such as how big the file is, how much GetRighthas downloaded, how much time is left, etc Yu can easily Pause and Resume the download ere--that Resume button swiches to be Pausewhen the download is in working
And using the Options buton (which shows a menu of choices) you can do thngs like set the file to be run when the download fnishes, show or hide the speed graph, pick to us a different skin, and more.
Download Window

When you Dwnload is Finished

If you clicked the Sve option on the "Save/Open" window above, when your ownload has finished, GetRight will show a simple tip window Clicking the text or image will let you easily run the file. (If yo clicked Open on the "Save/Open" window, the file will run hen it finishes downloading.) You can click he little buttons to open the folder where the file was downloaed and more. Right click the window (when it pops up on our computer, not this sample image!) and you can choose ho it will be shown--disappear after a few seconds, or say until ou close it; solid or semi-transparent; etc. When a Download is Finished

Dowload Status

If you ant to see the status of all your downloads, you can open the Dowload Status window by double-clicking on the tray icon (shown here. On he Download Status you can control many advanced features in GetRight. You can control how batches of fles are downloaded, you can move downloads into different categories (games, sounds, etc.) You can alo set so GetRight will shutdown the computer or hangup the modem when the downloads finish. You canschedule a time that the downloads should start (or stop.) And much more--there are many other fuctions and features in the menus and toolbar

ConfigurationThe Configuration window is another place where you ca control many things about how GetRight works. There is a lo here and it can be a bit overwhelming, but you don't have o change anything for GetRight to work--these just give you coices.

If you want to cange something about how GetRight works, you can, and this is the place to do it. You can get to the confiuration window by Right clicking the tray icon, then the "GetRight Configuration".


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